I have a medium/average dense beard, with large stubborn stubble around the chin. Because of this tree trunk stubble around the chin, I'm leaning towards the half hollow to start. The last thing I want is for my razor to skip over the stubble, or irritate the hair follicle. All other areas of my face are easy to shave, and it is just the chin area that my non-straight razors struggle.

I read the half hollow is in the middle of the spectrum, and a good place to start for a beginner. But, the logic may have a flaw. Just because it's the middle of the spectrum, doesn't necessary mean it is the best place to start.

I'm choosing the 5/8 over the 6/8 because I have a relatively medium sized face with lots of angles. I'm quite happy with the size of a DE razor, so figure I'd like the 5/8 size.

However, I'm having difficulty finding a 5/8 half hollow razor. I was surprised I did not see one at SRD (Dovo or Boker). Other places list the 5/8 half hollow out of stock. The 5/8 full hollow seems to be popular and very available. The half hollow becomes fully available at 6/8.

Since the 5/8 half hollow is less available, that raises the caution flag. Perhaps it is not popular for a reason?

I have a tough time imagining flexing between full vs. half. I figure if the blade is sharp, it should be cutting the hair, not flexing. Perhaps the sharper the blade, the less flexing? Therefore a full hollow should not pose a problem for me?

Am I really going to notice "flexing" between a 5/8 full vs. half?

Perhaps the 5/8 full hollow (Boker King Cutter or Dovo Best Quality) would still be just as good as a half hollow?

Not sure how much the "flexing" I'll have with medium-light density with seriously stubborn stubble around the chin that even gives my DE some challenges? Or if the "flexing" is more of an issue for someone who has a high density beard?

Or maybe the big difference between full vs. hollow is the weight, not really the flexing?

Or maybe the 6/8 half hollow would be better to start?

Or the 5/8 full hollow will be just fine?

Or search more for a 5/8 half hollow?

Thanks for the help,