As a complete newbie ( only been doing this for 2 weeks ) I can say that one needs to really look at why they are interested in Straight shaving in depth as well. I am doing this because conventional cart razors and even electric razors gave me such a nasty razor burn I hated shaving and would go months without doing it sometimes just to give my skin a break (which then drew the ire of my wife). I have found with shaving with a straight that my skin is much better for it.

Now is my shave BBS.. heck no but due to the irritation from more modern methods my face feels smoother now than it ever really did before even 2 days after I shave.

Also in this crazy instant gratification as soon as possible world I enjoy just taking the time to myself and the focus I need to not cut myself when shaving. It puts me in a better mood every morning after I shave.

As far as kit I am one of those do-it-yourself people as well so I find restoring an old blade intriguing and also know that because I have restored the blade it may not be the best currently and as I learn more it will become better.

Again this is my path and what I have chosen that works for me. YMMV but keep at it and enjoy the "You" time no matter what the results currently and know it can only get better.