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    Unhappy my first shave with my Venus straigh razor not so great, Help?

    So I purchased a straight razor from Venus. From what I have read it’s not a favored Razor.
    I had my first shave last night and it wasn’t what I expected. It pulled the hair and ever I felt a bit of a burn.
    Could this be cause of the razor? Or is it just causes im a newbie and I really have not got the technical side of it yet? Can you please give me some advice on weather I have to get the razor sharpened or even have to get a whole new razor? Can I get by with a not so favored Venus straight razor?

  2. #2
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    First of all welcome to SRP! You're in the right place to get all the information you need.

    I'm sorry to say that those Venus razors are no good at all. Most wont take a shaving edge, and those that do take an edge wont hold it for any time. Your best bet is to bin it and get a better blade.

    Check out the Wiki articles on razors to avoid:

    Brands of Straight Razors to avoid - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    And the good makes:

    Good Straight Razor Brands - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    These lists arent exhaustive, but a good litmus test is to search the razor brand you are planning to buy here first and see what the comments are like.

    Check the FAQ as well: Frequently Asked Questions - Straight Razor Place Wiki and the Beginners Guide: Straight Razor Place Wiki:Books/Beginners Guide - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    These articles will give you some good pointers on where to go from here!

    In terms of vendors, check out Straight Razor Designs in the US, The Invisible Edge in the UK, Tony Miller strops, Strop and have a look in the vendors corner and classifieds as well. There are loads of great razors in the classifieds that are great quality and will come shave ready.

    I'm sorry for the slightly shakey start, but you are in the right place now and there are a host of experts here, in all areas of straight razor shaving, who will be able to help you.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or you can contact me by PM if you prefer and I will do my best to help!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

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  4. #3
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    I couldn't agree more with Stubear...You purchased a str8 razor that is, for all practical purposes, useless for str8 razor shaving. Chalk it up to experience, regroup and then consider purchasing an entry level Dovo, Boker, Thiers-Issard, or a low cost vintage str8 razor that is listed as "good" or "excellent" from the SRP "Classifieds."

    Whatever razor you do eventually purchase to replace your Venus, though, make certain that it is professionally honed before you shave with it.
    Last edited by jhenry; 04-13-2010 at 11:20 AM.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

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  6. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Venus Straight Razor

    Hello, Leiroy:

    Welcome to Straight Razor Place.

    My friends Stubear and Jhenry make excellent points. Retire the Venus and give yourself a fresh start with quality tools and products.

    The rest includes studying the tutorials and the informational material in the Wiki, acquiring yourself a new getup and proceeding to shave. Please keep us informed.


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  8. #5
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Sorry man I know it sucks but that razor isn't capable of a decent shave. It just isn't something you can "get by with".

    Especially as a newbie you need decent tools, this goes for everything not just shaving. Decent tools allow you to develop proper technique because they are capable of perfection in their task. Cheap tools aren't.

    Once you are very skilled you can "get by" with a cheap tool because your skill can somewhat make up for its lack of quality but you still won't ever get erfect results if the tool just isn't good enough. Some aren't even useable.

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  10. #6
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP,

    I have no experience with the Venus razor, but the gentlemen that have responded are to be trusted in their assessments.

    Could you please post what your shaving prep is as well. Even a really good/sharp razor can pull if you have not prepared your whiskers properly.

    I read that a man's dry whisker can have the shear strength of a piece of copper wire of the same diameter. Water soaked into the whisker softens it to a requisite shear strength.

    I have not run any tests myself to validate the information above, but assuming it is true, that explains why beard preparation is so important.

    If you are looking for a new razor, try the Classifieds here or look for a Dovo Best Quality to start. This is a common razor and a common first razor. Just look at the adds here and you will find one. But by all means, as a begginer, do not get one that is not sold shave ready.

    Best of luck to you.


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  12. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leiroy View Post
    So I purchased a straight razor from Venus. From what I have read it’s not a favored Razor.
    I had my first shave last night and it wasn’t what I expected. It pulled the hair and ever I felt a bit of a burn.
    Could this be cause of the razor? Or is it just causes im a newbie and I really have not got the technical side of it yet? Can you please give me some advice on weather I have to get the razor sharpened or even have to get a whole new razor? Can I get by with a not so favored Venus straight razor?

    I sharpened one of these sometime back for a member just as an experiment to see what would happen...
    The razor took an edge and held it, the shave was ok, the member never relayed back how long the edge lasted however...
    The real problem with that razor was the price factor, by the time you buy it and hone it you are into Dovo pricing so why not just buy a Dovo...

    Trying to find that thread for you to read but no luck so far...

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    Stubear (04-14-2010)

  14. #8
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    thanks everyone for your help, I guess i'll be trashing my Venus(grrrr) and i'll look into buying a dovo. unless anybuddy has a razor they like to sell me for a good price?

    i'll let you all know how my next shave is when i buy a new razor.

  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leiroy View Post
    thanks everyone for your help, I guess i'll be trashing my Venus(grrrr) and i'll look into buying a dovo. unless anybuddy has a razor they like to sell me for a good price?

    i'll let you all know how my next shave is when i buy a new razor.
    +1 on checking out the Classifieds.
    Good range of razors for good prices.

    All the best,

  16. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leiroy View Post
    thanks everyone for your help, I guess i'll be trashing my Venus(grrrr) and i'll look into buying a dovo. unless anybuddy has a razor they like to sell me for a good price?

    i'll let you all know how my next shave is when i buy a new razor.

    Don't trash it, that is a razor that will take an edge, you can use it for honing practice later...
    I'll try and find you the thread to read.. These can be honed and they can be shaved they are just not a "Smart" buy...But if you already have one make the best of it...

    I have asked for help from the Searchmeister himself Lee...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-14-2010 at 01:31 PM.

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