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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default General Sharpening questions

    Sorry if this has already been asked I did a search and am not having luck finding the answer.

    First off I need my blade sharpened where can I find a locations to send it off to?

    second as a newbie I was wondering the timeline of sharpening. Assuming you have a new blade that is shave ready and you shave 5x a week.

    obviously stroping before each shave how long until it becomes paste time on a boad and then how long until it needs to be honed on stone by yourself or a pro. again sorry if this has been asked some place else. thanks

  2. #2
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    if you look in the classifieds under member services you will see a lot of people that offer honing.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    One... pick somebody Member Services - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    Two... absolutely no way of knowing, but the first time will not last long as you will be abusing that blade, second time should double, and by the third time it should double again as your techniques improve...

    I know rather vauge but I have seen 1 week to 6 months for that first honing...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-15-2010 at 10:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member prosneek's Avatar
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    Go to the classified section here and you will find a bunch of honers. As far as length of time between hones depends on the razor and your comfort level i would think. If the strop is not getting it sharp enough anymore then it is time to hone it.

  5. #5
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default General sharpening questions

    Hello, pwedge88:

    If I were shaving with the same razor every day, I would probably have it professionally honed about every six months or so. Or sooner if I feel it needs it.

    Lynn Abrams, the founder of SRP and owner of Straight Razor Designs, hones all of my razors. Or you can select from among the honing professionals listed under member services.

    In the meantime, please concentrate on proper stropping. If you have not yet, please wander through the Wiki for a wealth of information. Also, don't hesitate to post your questions.


  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwedge88 View Post
    second as a newbie I was wondering the timeline of sharpening. Assuming you have a new blade that is shave ready and you shave 5x a week.

    obviously stroping before each shave how long until it becomes paste time on a boad and then how long until it needs to be honed on stone by yourself or a pro. again sorry if this has been asked some place else. thanks
    A hard question to answer beyond , it depends. Especially with a fellow learning how to strop and to shave. Your shaving technique can be harder on an edge and a miscue on a strop can dull an edge. If you have good technique and a quality pro honed blade, proper stropping it could conceivably last for months of shaving before you needed to have it re-honed. Something like the SRD modular strop with the diamond spray and the chrom-ox crayon could keep you going for a long time before having to send it out again but then again, it depends. Many variables.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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