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Thread: Grip + Slip

  1. #1
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    Default Grip + Slip

    Hi new guy here,

    I noticed while i shave the grip I hold the razor with doesnt seem to work all too well for some areas. So i guess i was wondering is there liek a variety of grips needed to compelte the shave of the whole face. if theres somewhere i can see some diagram and pictures that would help alot. I looked aroudn a bit but not too mcuh yet about those.

    Also the soap being rinsied off my blade seems to make my grip slipperier as well as the attempt to streatch my face. I have a dry towel nearby but was wondering if there is a better technique to remedy this or to help me do it easier.

  2. #2
    Member TartanJim's Avatar
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  3. #3
    . Otto's Avatar
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    I make sure that my hands are as dry as possible while I shave.

    Here are some grips:
    Different ways to hold a straight razor - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Good luck - and the Wiki has a lot of great info.

  4. #4
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aznaod7 View Post
    Hi new guy here,

    i was wondering is there liek a variety of grips needed to compelte the shave of the whole face. if theres somewhere i can see some diagram and pictures that would help alot.
    Point your Web browser here: Category:Shaving - Straight Razor Place Wiki and click <Different ways to hold a straight razor>.

    Quote Originally Posted by aznaod7 View Post
    I have a dry towel nearby but was wondering if there is a better technique to remedy this or to help me do it easier.
    What works best for me is to pick up a dry towel and wipe the razor off just the same as a barber would if he were shaving my face.
    Morty -_-

  5. #5
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Hehe. Have you checked out "different ways to hold a straight razor" in the wiki yet???

    I always wear shoes and pants when I shave... I have a fear of dropping the razor on certain parts. I tuck a dry towel into the waistband of my pants so that I can dry my hands as needed. A dry towel on the counter would serve the same purpose, I suppose.

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  6. #6
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    ++1 on the suggestions offered in the previous posts.

    It is important to that you dry your hands on a towel while shaving so that the str8 razor won't slip out of your hand. You should also use a small hand towel or kitchen towel to dry your razor while shaving. Don't let too much shaving cream and water get into the area between the blade and the scale. You'll get rust. Dry that area of your razor thoroughly after shaving and apply some Camelia or Mineral oil with a Q-tip.

    Finally, consider wearing a pair of old gym shorts or sweatpants while shaving. They will help you avoid serious injury to your male anatomy. You can also use them to wipe your hands on as well to keep them dry.

    Just my 2 cents of advice.

    Take care--and smooth shaving.
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  7. #7
    Gold Dollar Heretic greatgoogamooga's Avatar
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    Jockeys has a nice video that shows several different grips for different areas.

    YouTube - Jockeys' Straight Shaving Demonstration Part 1

    There is a post somewhere around here from an old barbers manual that shows "the" grip. I don't use it. It has the thumb next to the spine, the pinkey on the monkey tail and all of the other fingers on the spine. I nearly dropped the razor on my...feet, when I tried that one. Find the grips(s) that work for you and get comfortable. I ended up using only 3 fingers, thumb, index and middle. This allows me to have a firm, but loose grip...uh, yeah. In other words, the blade is firm in my fingers, but flexible on my skin so it doesn't snag.

    On my across the grain on the neck, I grab it like a baseball bat. No neat, elegant grip, all the fingers on the handle/scales.


  • #8
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Yep, the Wiki and Jockeys video should be helpful!

    One thing though, it sounds like you are getting far too much of the razor wet when you rinse it off. You literally only want to get the blade under the water and avoid getting any water on the shank or pivot area. Besides making it hard to hold the razor, getting the pivot wet can lead to rust.

    The other thing to try is wipe the blade clean on some tissue rather than rinsing it under water.

    Do make sure you keep your hands dry and lather free as well. If you drop the razor you could do the razor or yourself some serious damage..!

    If you find the lather is getting everywhere and making it hard to stretch the skin, just lather one bit of your face at a time.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  • #9
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    Yeah i just was reading the other post about problems with the chin and thoguht to myself, maybe it would be better to lather in sections, complete it and than continue on to another area.

    There alwasy seems to be cream on my blade that gets everywehre, it might be in part due to my runny lathering skills so far. I have looked at alotta the videos and pictures, it should help.

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