Quote Originally Posted by LarryAndro View Post
What could wiping off a blade with cloth, sliding horizontally along its length, do to a blade compared to multiple vertical passes on leather?
I have a 3/4" slice in one of my hand towels that I was using to wipe my razor off with because I wasn't being careful. (I'm REALLY lucky I didn't cut further through and slice my fingers open!) When the honing instructions in the Wiki states that the TNT is to be used only during setting the bevel because in later honing stages it dulls the edge, cutting my towel likely dulled the edge somewhat also.

After I watched Chimensch's 30 anniversary shave video, I copied his use of a wet sponge in the sink to wipe the lather off. My sink is smaller than his so the point of my Black Diamond spike seemed dangerously close to the basin wall. I gave up on that strategy.

I thought about how a barber lays a dry towel on the shoulder of his client and wipes the lather off on that. So I pick up a dry towel in my open hand now and wipe the lather off on it the same way a barber would. A very short stropping motion.
Morty -_-