Quote Originally Posted by BigIan View Post
the best recomendation i can give is my meger set up,

a Dovo, "best quality" 5/8th, dovo canvas/leather strop. you say you already have a brush and soap so i wont go into that.

Any good quality razor maintained properly will serve you well and maybe even your sons and grandsons. there are razors around that are 150 years old made out of softer steel than modern razors are.
So if you buy a new razor such as a dovo, then it should last you well if well maintained.

on the honeing part i would`nt be in to much of a ruch to get into honeing There is a skill to learn leave getting a hone for a good 3 or 4 months.
When i first started i dulled my blade quickly. and it needed to be sent off for honeing after a couple of months.

wait untill you can strop a razor before you try to hone one.
Hello, Bushmills:

BigIdan's suggestions are sound and I concur. The Dovo he mentions is quality stuff. As for honing, I suggest to wait, too, and hone your skills with the razor and strop first.
