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  1. #11
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I'd stay away from eBay until you know what you're looking for. Its really easy to see something, think its a good buy and then find out that its no good once you get it in your hands.

    I'd go for a shave ready razor from the classifieds, or one of the vendors already mentioned here.

    Have a look at Joed's thread eBay 101 for what to look for:

    If you're going through this thread and not picking up the problems with the razors shown, then its probably a risky idea to start bidding on eBay.

    Besides which, by the time you've added in postage and sending the razor out to be honed (and I've yet to get a shave ready razor from eBay, despite what the sellers often say) and any other work that needs to be done, it may end up costing you nearly as much as getting a new DOVO.

  2. #12
    Member Doop's Avatar
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    Roamer, here's another option for you, I don't think it's the best option, but I have better luck with it than ebay.

    Visit your local antique stores and look for straights. I often find nice ones between $10 & $20 with only superficial tarnish on them that is easily cleaned. Understand that they will need to be cleaned and sent off to be honed by a pro (another $20 or so). If you are unsure if the razor is decent, take a pic before you buy and show us, we will be glad to tell you if it's a keeper. Things to look out for are corrosion/rust, especially around the edge. Look very closely for cracks, they can be tiny sometimes and they render the blade useless (probably the single worst reason to buy on ebay). Tiny chips and nicks can be corrected for additional cost but avoid any with big chips in the edge. Blades should close nicely into the scales and not be loose. A little tight is OK, but real loose is a problem when stropping.

    The bottom line recommendation is to buy a shave ready razor from a reputable vendor. You can go other routes to try to save some cash there is risk involved until you gain experience.


  3. #13
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    The straight razor - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    In addition to these, you need also to watch out for cell rot (chemical process in the handle), tempering damages caused by inexpert make-it-look-shinier-attempts, razors that are unable to take/hold shaving edge, excessive hone wear, excessive price, excessive postage, frankenrazors, inexpert sellers, less-than-honest sellers, bad/misleading/missing pictures etc

    In short, it really is a jungle out there. Same applies to antique stores, fleamarkets etc except you see the item much better than on ebay.

    If you're on a budget, buying off from classifieds, reputable vendors or members' websites is your best bet in getting a shave ready blade without a false start. And you have to take postage (a strop is mandatory, shaving soap/cream/brush is a huge plus, stypic is nice) and freebies (shave readiness, free honings) in account. It all adds up.

    I do hope that this explains to you and other beginners why newbies are warned to stay off ebay until they have the experience to properly evaluate what they're buying into and understand the risks involved.

  4. #14
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Until you are more familiar with razors I would advise you to stay away from ebay and get a razor from either a reliable vendor or someone here on the SRP classifieds, there are way too many negative variables on ebay.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

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