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  1. #1
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    Default Shaving the face... and the head...

    Good day gents,

    I ordered my first razor yesterday from Mijbil, this one

    and I can't wait to put it to a good use.

    I discovered straight razors when I got myself a nice and sharp carving knife made from an old straight razor. And I felt in love with this type of blades.

    I have a strong bearb and a soft skin that tolerate only 3-4 blades cartridge razors and electric razors give me a harsh. I already use a round soap in a cup with a shaving brush since I discovered the pleasure of that kind of lathe.

    I only got a shave from this type of razor in a barber shop when I married too many years ago and the result was not good. There ended my interest in straight razors...

    I began searching the forum for info on how to shave and didn't find any about shaving the head too. Would it be too dangerous? I'll see.

    Because I started carving last year, I don't think I will have problems with using a leather strop, unless maybe when will come the time to buy a real barber strop when I can buy one because of $$$. I retired last year and have to pay back quite a lot to the fed and prov govs this month . So I will get used with the razor technique first, the rest will come in time.

    Ok, now that you know a bit more about me, don't hesitate to send me in the right direction for what I need to know.



  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    There are quite a few of us that shave our heads with a straight.
    Jimbo put together a great video of his head shave: Straight Razor Head Shave
    He's an ugly SOB, but the video is helpful.
    Notice the directions that he pulls the skin for each shaving stroke. That was the most difficult part for me to figure out... The skin on my head "bunches" much more easily than the skin on my face. Pulling it tight from the right direction is extremely important to a good shave.

    One of these days I'll get around to doing a video of my own head-shave.

    Don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions... Also, start out slow; learn the angles on your face, and how to use your razor before you attempt shaving your head with it. Then, just like the face, start doing your head in sections: take it in baby steps. The top is much easier than the sides, the sides are much easier than the back.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by HNSB; 04-29-2010 at 05:27 PM.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  3. #3
    Senior Member RobertH's Avatar
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    That's a nice looking razor you got coming to you Gilles. Congrats on the retirement.

  4. #4
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    I don't think the top of my head will be a problem

    I am getting out for the evening, so I will check the video later tonight. I'm back from the stores and bought an exfoliant to add good habits to my shaving right away, following the advices I read on the forum.

    Thanks Robert, I'm glad you like the razor.

    See ya,


  5. #5
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    love that head-shave video! tried it the first time myself today and did not get the same result. how do you get to carnegie hall? practice.
    thanks for the good info!

  6. #6
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    I did not receive the razor yet, that I already get a better shave from with a multi-blades cartridge razor. I looked at many videos and read a lot of posts in preparation to the day I will be able to try a straight razor.

    As I also like to collect knives, I ordered a couple more SRs from Ebay, and will be able to compare these razors to the one I first bought. I will also try to restore the older ones to make them shave ready. They won't be as nice as the one I bought from Jason though...

    That includes a Wincester, a Keenoh, and a couple of no name.

    Last edited by gtechblues; 05-02-2010 at 01:13 PM.

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