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  1. #1
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    Default Uberlather... what products, how to get them?

    So here is the deal you guys, besides working on my first shave, I am also starting to work on my lather..., and from what I am seeing I have a lot to learn.

    One of the things that may look promising to me is the Uberlather. It just sounds like the right one for my sensitive skin. I currently have Truefitt and Hill's unscented cream and will soon have proraso's aloe and green tea soap. I was going to try both of them individually to see what worked. However, I am intrigued by the UL and want to see how I have to mix it, in what proportions, do my current products fit the bill for the mixing (if not which ones do?) and how do I get glycerin?! I saw a video on one of the threads of Jockey (i belive was his name) a senior member latering up some great stuff and he squirted glycerin out of a bottle into it. I just can't seem to find the stuff though.

    Any comments, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks you guys in advance.



  2. #2
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    Excellent, lathering skills will go a long way shaving with a straight. Truefitt & Hill is one of the best creams money can buy, it produces great lather, especially the Ultimate Comfort. Using uberlather is no substitute for good lathering skills, regardless of whether you decide to use uberlather of just lather from a good shaving product, you will still have to work on your lathering skills. The main reason to make uberlather is typically to elevate the performance of two underperforming products but this does not preclude using high quality products. The idea is that you take the good properties of each, typically the glide from a soap and cushion of a cream and make it into a much superior blend than either one of them on its own. If you chose the right combination of soap and cream you can get a great mix. The stuff in the pump bottle is nothing but ye old glycerin. If you decide to make uberlather, you should keep in mind not to overuse the glycerin as it can dry your skin, 3 to 5 drops are usually more than enough.

    Al raz.

    Quote Originally Posted by lokipuck View Post
    So here is the deal you guys, besides working on my first shave, I am also starting to work on my lather..., and from what I am seeing I have a lot to learn.

    One of the things that may look promising to me is the Uberlather. It just sounds like the right one for my sensitive skin. I currently have Truefitt and Hill's unscented cream and will soon have proraso's aloe and green tea soap. I was going to try both of them individually to see what worked. However, I am intrigued by the UL and want to see how I have to mix it, in what proportions, do my current products fit the bill for the mixing (if not which ones do?) and how do I get glycerin?! I saw a video on one of the threads of Jockey (i belive was his name) a senior member latering up some great stuff and he squirted glycerin out of a bottle into it. I just can't seem to find the stuff though.

    Any comments, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks you guys in advance.



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  4. #3
    Member mcjacob71990's Avatar
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    hey there LP

    i am also new to straight razor shaving and i started making Uberlather just last week. It works wonderfully. Im pretty sure u can use any kind of soap (im using the cheap VDH) and pretty much any shaving cream (i use the C.O Bigelo from bath and body works, its not very expensive 3 for 10$ when i got them). What i did was watch the Jockeys video and just guesstimate on the cream and glycerin just like he did (dont need a whole lot). the glycerin can be purchased at Wal Mart or probably any other store of that sort. It is in the pharmacy right next to the bottles of hydrogen peroxide and such. I bought a pump bottle from the bathroom section of walmart also (its a good portioning device, i use 1 pump per lather).

    good luck with the uberlather, i hope it works out as well for you as it has for me

  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alraz View Post
    If you decide to make uberlather, you should keep in mind not to overuse the glycerin as it can dry your skin, 3 to 5 drops are usually more than enough.

    Al raz.

    Here is the Wiki article

    Making Ãœberlather - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Step by step

    Here is the original thread

    This always has a ton of extra info

    But you might want to heed Razzamatazz's advice and mine too and start slow on the Glycerin...

  6. #5
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    Awesome!!! Thanks you guys, I will definitely follow the advice and thanks for the location of the glycerin too! Now I just need my two razor being honed.

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