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  1. #1
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    Default I tried straight razor shaving, but quit

    I'm sorry, I just couldn't get the hang of it. I couldn't even shave my sideburns. I had trouble seeing what I was doing in the mirror. my arm and whatnot kept getting in the way of seeing the blade on the skin.

    Anyway, I went back to my Gillette Sensor 2-blade razor for a little while. Then I decided to try a one blade bic disposable razors. They seemed work, after few shaves. I've found that really gives me a close shave is using the bic razor and going with the grain, then across the grain, then against the grain. After that I use my old Remington foil razor get the blade razor doesn't seem to be able to get. I have a few stubborn spots on my upper lip. What do you think?

  2. #2
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    You can always try a DE if a straight razor isn't for you. Perhaps you can treat yourself to straight shave by a professional sometime so you can experience a BBS shave from a straight razor.

    Sorry to hear the straight razor wasn't for you.


  3. #3
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    DE shaving is alot cheaper to get into as well. If you like your single blade Bics, the DE should be a godsend to you.

  4. #4
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    yeah, I've been thinking about DE. Right now, money is very tight. So I even afford to go DE shopping. Maybe after I find a job.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    If you are really sure you are going to give up on the str8, maybe you could post your equipment in the classifieds. Then go to a DE

    Also, I am sorry to hear you are out of work. Prayers are with you on finding a new job.


  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Alembic For This Useful Post:

    Warbler (05-25-2010)

  7. #6
    Senior Member AnarchoPhil's Avatar
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    Dude, I picked up a 1954 Super Speed Silver Tip for $2 at an antique store. The blades for those things aren't high either. It was in real good shape in fact, I didn't even realize that it was that old until just recently. I just bought it because it was cheap. IMO, there is a learning curve to shaving with a DE too but not anything like a straight.

    I stuck with the straight though and I've pretty much got it. I only get a few spots that aren't BBS when I do all the passes. I generally just do a single with the grain pass and every now and then I'll go for more. I just take it slow and easy. If I don't get it real smooth I don't try to hard. I just try to think about how I can get it next time.

  8. #7
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alembic View Post
    Also, I am sorry to hear you are out of work. Prayers are with you on finding a new job.


  9. #8
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    Personally...I have all 3/...DE/SE/str8 razors...

    2yrs with DE/SE handles n blades and as of last week got my 1st atr8 razor and am working on it well...

    To each person is what works for 2 faces r the same..DE/SE blades work for me for slight touchups as a full shave gives me razorburn or isn't as close as my str8 SE is comparably close to my str8 razor..BUT no razor burn even after a day of hair growth with my str8..whereas my DE/SE blades would give me mouth blood spots and my under chin has never been smooth before my str8 razor..again..good luck in your search and hopefully you wont worry with hair that sorta looks like mine..coarse n sensitive skin

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  10. #9
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    +1 on the DE.

    Best wishes for the future; I hope things get better for you very quickly.

    Best regards


  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warbler View Post
    I'm sorry, I just couldn't get the hang of it. I couldn't even shave my sideburns. I had trouble seeing what I was doing in the mirror. my arm and whatnot kept getting in the way of seeing the blade on the skin.

    Anyway, I went back to my Gillette Sensor 2-blade razor for a little while. Then I decided to try a one blade bic disposable razors. They seemed work, after few shaves. I've found that really gives me a close shave is using the bic razor and going with the grain, then across the grain, then against the grain. After that I use my old Remington foil razor get the blade razor doesn't seem to be able to get. I have a few stubborn spots on my upper lip. What do you think?

    I think that it matters what you think.

    The BiC yellow handle tossables are much better than lots of
    folk give them credit. For less than five bucks you have a bag of
    shavers for traveling and those days when honing or stropping
    are not up to snuff. More than anything they rinse clean better
    than other tossables.

    The right DE with the right blade can be a better shaver than a BiC but
    DE shaving is full of issues. Matching the blade the handle and
    the face is almost a mater of luck.

    Since you have a full kit of shave gear I think you might find that
    shave prep, and lathering experimentation is in order. If you have
    difficult places consider shaving them at the beginning of the shave
    when the edge is fresh. Shave prep for the BiC a DE or a str8
    is effectively the same so focus on the prep as a wet shaver.

    Last summer I experimented with lathering and skin prep and used
    BiC yellow handle tossables as a constant. I learned a lot about
    my face and beard in the process. My str8 shaving improved
    as a result too.

    And yes, at some point there is a reason that Santa Clause has whiskers.
    Perhaps it is the blowing snow, perhaps the lack of warm water,
    perhaps he is too busy or perhaps his whiskers are just too heavy
    and growing a beard is the right answer.

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