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Thread: Honing already?

  1. #1
    Member mcjacob71990's Avatar
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    Default Honing already?

    After completing my fourth shave just minutes ago, I am almost getting a sense that my razor needs a touch up to the edge. Maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me, as i still got a very good shave, it just didnt feel as though the razor was gliding across my face as well and my face feels a tad bit more aggravated than after my first few. Could it be my lather wasnt as good this time (i did rush the lather a bit)? Or is it possible i need a quick touch up on a 10k or 12k hone?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Could be lather, stropping, technique or the razor. Many variables with this pursuit. I would give it a good stropping on your next shave. Pay extra attention to lathering and shaving technique. Eliminating one thing at a time until your done with your next shave. Just IMHO.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #3
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    You're still a few months away from a touchup. I would focus on the lather and technique. If you've just started, your technique is 'in flux' meaning that one day you get a good shave, the next...not so much.

  4. #4
    Goc is offline
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    And it could be something else.
    Maybe your skin is a bit irritated.
    I've shaved every day and on the fifth shave I had the same feeling as you.
    I tried to shave on the 6th day and it was awful.
    Now I know I can't shave every day but every 2nd :-(

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcjacob71990 View Post
    After completing my fourth shave just minutes ago, I am almost getting a sense that my razor needs a touch up to the edge. Maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me, as i still got a very good shave, it just didnt feel as though the razor was gliding across my face as well and my face feels a tad bit more aggravated than after my first few. Could it be my lather wasnt as good this time (i did rush the lather a bit)? Or is it possible i need a quick touch up on a 10k or 12k hone?
    Perhaps but most likely you need to visit the canvasside of the strop
    a little more.

    But face prep is key. Never skimp on the face prep that works for you.

    A gentle visit to a 10K/12K hone is a good thing but if you even lightly
    rolled the edge first the hone would dull the edge at first. The canvas
    can straighten an edge a bit and if it does not shave well then a visit
    to the 10/12K hone can help. Man made 12K hones are very fast
    and can improve the edge a lot.

    I would tend to try canvas, leather, shave
    then if the shave is lacking
    canvas, 12K, canvas, leather, shave.

  6. #6
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    I concur with the advice given on stropping (yes, it does take a good technique) and face prep. My 4 blades hit the 4K/8K every 4-6 months followed by my pasted strop.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Howard's Avatar
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    My suggestion is to get a Radio Shack Illuminated Microscope for $12 and look at the edge so you can see what you've got going on. Go from heel to toe on both sides. You'll be amazed at what you'll see doing this. The human eye isn't good enough to see what's going on at the edge. The magnification will inform your process. It may just need a stropping, it may need honing, everything might be OK and it's just your lather; you'll know for sure when you check it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Howard View Post
    My suggestion is to get a Radio Shack Illuminated Microscope for $12 and look at the edge so you can see what you've got going on. Go from heel to toe on both sides. You'll be amazed at what you'll see doing this. The human eye isn't good enough to see what's going on at the edge. The magnification will inform your process. It may just need a stropping, it may need honing, everything might be OK and it's just your lather; you'll know for sure when you check it.
    Thanks for the tip. I have been wondering what was going on with my edge lately too.

    Today i skimped on the prep and my shave wasn't so hot. I even missed a spot so i had to stop on the way to work to buy a disposable to give myself a touch up. I didn't want to look like Jimmy the Cab Driver.

    Does anyone know of any pictures i could use as a reference to determine if my edge is rolled or will it be obvious?

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecornerbooth View Post
    Thanks for the tip. I have been wondering what was going on with my edge lately too.

    Today i skimped on the prep and my shave wasn't so hot. I even missed a spot so i had to stop on the way to work to buy a disposable to give myself a touch up. I didn't want to look like Jimmy the Cab Driver.

    Does anyone know of any pictures i could use as a reference to determine if my edge is rolled or will it be obvious?
    Not obvious unless it is egregious.

    Try running a single hair along the edge.
    A "rolled" area will not grab the way a sharp region will.
    Compare and contrast before and after stropping.
    Not a HHT but some people can see differences.

    Another trick is to compare your shave with a known blade.
    A cheap tossable or a DE blade can give you that
    reference as can a second razor. Comparisons work
    best with a single edge razor.... I have a region on
    my chin where I can feel each whisker get cleaved
    by the blade.... shaving that region is how I decide
    to replace or hone a blade.

    Learning when a blade is dull is as much a learning
    experience as learning what a sharp blade is.

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