I know my plan has been to shave every other day, but I had a nice shin dig to go to tonight and wanted a decent shave to go to so I decided to give my cheeks and neck a quick swipe with the razor. Besides the lip and chin taking the most time, I developed a patch of zits and white heads on my chin last night. Not sure what this is about, but I'm pretty sure its related to shaving.

I decided last time to use my John Williams, which has been nice and stropped for quite some time from my practicing.

Beard Prep: In shower, lather with badger brush and regular soap.
After shower lather with Mitchell's Wool Fat for a few minutes. I really like the smoothness of this soap.

The shave: I am using shorter and shorter strokes. I find this allows me to readjust the stretching grip on my face more frequently, resulting in better shave. I lessened the angle a bit too. I think I've been attacking at more of a 30-45 degree angle, so I lowered it down a bit. Kept my touch light.

I did a few XTG passes on my cheeks, and found that using a pulling motion with the opposite hand gave me better control than using the same hand as the cheek.

Left hand side is still not as good as the right, but definitely building more coordination and comfort. Like I said above, I found using my left hand to do XTG on my right cheek better than using the right, and vice versa. I really cannot imagine not being able to use both hands to shave with, it would be so incredibly limiting.

Totally skipped the lips and chin. Those always take the longest, and I didn't have a lot of time, nor was I about to rush.

All and all a decent shave (on the parts I did anyway). I'm finding better ways to get my skin pulled tighter and working on angles.