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Thread: owwwweeee

  1. #21
    wannabe straight razor user jojingo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lofino View Post
    Okay... I am brand new to straight razors.. I don't have one yet, but I was planning on purchasing one for economy and among many other reasons.

    I was wondering, how should I go about buying a razor and brush?
    Also, learning more about all of the basics?

    I was looking for a high quality razor and brush that are affordable.. (college student)

    Thank you for any help or comments..
    Lofino, welcome here. Just keep reading in the forum and ask some questions. try watching some youtube videos and check out the wiki to get an answer to your questions. Also check out the review section, you'll find member reviews there.

    I think you might have accidentally replied to this thread while you wanted to make a new thread.
    Try posting again by starting a new thread so you'll have a better chance of getting answers than in someone else's thread

    @Jakeinkalispel: oil the scar so it doesn't get too big. They have special scar oil for that, also found in stores that sell baby stuff

  2. #22
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    If u want a basic brush Tweezerman $14 makes them was my first and then gotta Country Uncle big brush for $30 just look for it on google

  3. #23
    Stayin Claussy jakeinkalispell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I'll take a different view here. If what you are doing at the moment is putting you at increased risk of permanent scarring, don't do it.

    I'd prefer a little razor burn than a cut any day of the week. WTG/ATG/XTG are just bells and whistles when compared to safety. Learn to handle that straight properly and safely (and that is usually easiest to do with North to South passes). Worry about the rest later.

    BTW, when you say base of the neck, do you mean around the back of your head, or do you mean the bottom of the throat area?

    at the botton of the throat

  4. #24
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    Your not a real man until you have a few scars and some great stories behind them.

    At least that's what my dad would say. Lol so make up a great story to go with it! Something about fighting off ninjas and stuff.

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lofino View Post
    Okay... I am brand new to straight razors.. I don't have one yet, but I was planning on purchasing one for economy and among many other reasons.

    I was wondering, how should I go about buying a razor and brush?
    Also, learning more about all of the basics?

    I was looking for a high quality razor and brush that are affordable.. (college student)

    Thank you for any help or comments..
    College student... been there, here are some hints.

    Straight shaving is wet shaving so attack that first.
    Get some inexpensive tossabels and a fine (need not be expensive)
    brush and a fine soap or two. Spend ten bucks on a
    drugstore boar brush or 100 bucks on a very good silvertip badger.
    Try to skip the middle ground...

    While you are learning the fine art of lathering shave with something
    like a Yellow Handle BiC you can then ponder the other decisions:
    DE or open edge blade, what brand what strop what price. 4/8 5/8
    6/8 and all the other choices.

    A neighbor was giddy talking about the new Gillette soon to
    be released razor. I gave him a brush, mug, soap a total beginner
    kit. He was ASTOUNDED how much that ten dollar kit
    improved his shave.

    This is not the kit I gave him but it is close.
    Search amazon or Walgreens for:
    Van Der Hagen Premium Shave Set (Soap, Bowl, Brush)

    i.e. the best way to learn the basics is:

    Get wet... it is called wet shaving.

    Have fun and welcome.

  6. #26
    Loup Garou GastonD's Avatar
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    A friend's mom told him he had "kind" hair. "Kind hair?" he asked. "Yes", she said, "the kind that grows on a dog's butt, in little swirls that go ever-which-way".

    That's pretty much my neck, I have to map it out first no matter which kind of bladed shaver I use. I'd get lines tattooed to mark out all the contrary places but they wouldn't show through the lather.

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