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  1. #1
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    Default Shaved with a near wedge AND a hollow ground

    Just for kicks I shaved half my face with a hollow ground and the other half with a near wedge. Both sides very smooth. But I found that the chin was done better with the hollow. Also, I didn't understand when I read on the forums about wedges giving little feedback and didn't understand when I read it. Now I understand. Also, the hollow made a little noise when shaving where the wedge did not.

    Oh, and no nicks again!

  2. #2
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    Having so many types and grinds of razors is part of the fun. I personally buy every wedge I can get ahold of because I think that they are beautiful razors, but I hate the shaves from them...but that's just me. Lots of folks here swear by their wedges.

  3. #3
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    I have a fairly broad array of razors. Grinds, widths, lengths, points everything all over the board. I first thought my favorite shave was a half hollow. Then I got a faux frame back. Then I got a 3/4 hollow in 7/8. So on and so forth. It seems to me now I can get a great shave with all blades, even new ones. It seems more about experience with that particular razor. I can still pick up my first razor, which was a half hollow 5/8, and shave great; but if I'm asked what razor I prefer its a completely different grind. I even find myself looking more for extreme hollow grinds for sale even though I prefer something heavier.

  4. #4
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    I now own four razors of different sizes and grinds. I have only shaved with two of them up to this point one month into straight razor shaving. My first razor was a Dovo 6/8 half hollow that I used for my first ten shaves. While I was progressing, I was having problems with neck irritation and would not even venture a pass on my chin.

    I purchased a 5/8 wedge on the classifieds here and my first shave with it was the light bulb moment I was waiting for.

    I was able to shave my entire face, neck and chin with no irritation for the first time. I was able to control the angle and pressure much better. I have since went back to the Dovo and had similar success.

    I'm not sure what to make of this, but the wedge set me on my straight razor path to enlightenment.
    Last edited by Fbones24; 06-11-2010 at 06:47 PM.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have pretty much everything out there by way of grind and size with the exception of true wedges. I enjoy them all but prefer hollow grind 5/8s and 6/8s. For my part my view of these old meatchoppers is that there was a reason the manufacturers stopped making them in favor of smaller hollows and both shavers and barbers weren't exactly clamoring for them to be brought back.

    But, as far as the shave goes they all do the job.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
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    I enjoy the variety of straight razors I have and I enjoy the Wedge just as much as the 1/2 hollow and the full hollow.

    My favorite straight razors are the ones that can hold their edge for 4+ shaves and their edge can easily be refreshened with a few passes on the pasted paddle strop.


  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    I now own four razors of different sizes and grinds. I have only shaved with two of them up to this point one month into straight razor shaving. My first razor was a Dovo 6/8 half hollow that I used for my first ten shaves. While I was progressing, I was having problems with neck irritation and would not even venture a pass on my chin.

    I purchased a 5/8 wedge on the classifieds here and my first shave with it was the light bulb moment I was waiting for.

    I was able to shave my entire face, neck and chin with no irritation for the first time. I was able to control the angle and pressure much better. I have since went back to the Dovo and had similar success.

    I'm not sure what to make of this, but the wedge set me on my straight razor path to enlightenment.
    Take the name of the man that honed that razor.

    A fine edge and the correct bevel just feel 'right'.

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