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  1. #1
    100% STRAIGHT TheSkyer's Avatar
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    Default Difficultie Shavette vs Straight

    Dear Friends,

    I had 5 shaves of which 3 with a shavette and 2 with a straight. In the SRP wiki I read that shavette shaving is apparently harder and more unforgiving than shaving with a straight.

    However, I have found the exact opposite to be true in my case. What are your own experiences?

    Gr. Skyer

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't know that it's harder. More unforgiving yes because your basically using a razor blade against your face. However it's not what we say it's your experience that matters. If you find it easier and you like the result then you have found your way.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    At first, I would suspect that the Shavette would be easier to use and would give the better shave. After becoming adept with the straight razor, I would definitely give the advantage in comfort to the straight razor. But, ease of use... hard to say. After awhile using a straight razor you "just shave" without thinking. So, ease of use is no longer a factor.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Having used both, going from a disposable straight to a traditional straight takes you up the learning curve a bit more. It does takes time to understand how to "tune" your straight razor to give a great shave and this was my biggest hurdle during my transition....stropping, buying a paddle strop and pasting three sides, plus learning some additional techniques. On a difficulty scale of 1-10, it was a 5.

    The nice thing about the traditional straight is that you can get a great shave that has the cutting actions of the first shave of a Shavette, but be more forgiving, such as a third shave of the Shavette.

    It does take some time to learn how to care for your traditional straight, but once you are dialed in and getting the BBS shaves, you start getting away from the disposable straight blades.

    Today, about 93% of my shaves are by traditional straight razors. But I do continue to use the Shavette when I travel or just want a little variety in shaving.


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