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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hey guys. New shaver here.

    I've been shaving for a while with the yellow BICs and Mach 3's. I wanted something cooler to shave with! haha I saw a few straight razor and safety razor vids on Youtube and thought I'd give one a go. All I could find was a cheap ($5) "Diane" replaceable blade straight razor at a Beauty supply store. Then I went home with my $25 investment of razors, creams, and balms to shave!

    I used some RS Shave cream. (didn't like) The shave went pretty well, but I did get a lot of nicks. I'm 17 and have a little bit of acne to traverse. The styptic stick was worth the 2 bucks! I also liked the Nivea Sensitive Skin Balm that you guys reccomended. I didn't have to touch up with the Mock 3 either lol. I think I might like a DE safety razor a little more and I can get blades locally. The Beauty Store guy didn't even know what a straight razor was called. They only had shavette-style razors, yet they had a strop on the wall?! Thanks for the great wealth of information here guys. Hopefully I can get my hands on a "real" straight or safety razor soon.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. If you read my sig line below, and follow the old barber's advice, that may help with the nicks. Also check out the link if you haven't seen the SRP Wiki beginner's guide yet. Lots of good info there.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    razorsharpZ71 (06-24-2010)

  4. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default New Shaver Here

    Hello, Razorsharp:

    The age 17 is the perfect time of life to enter the world of the gentleman shaver: of wet shaving with a straight razor.

    Than again, so are all the other years we notch.

    Welcome to Straight Razor Place. We're delighted to have you with us. Any questions, please ask away. You will have plenty of help and encouragement here.


  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

    razorsharpZ71 (06-24-2010)

  6. #4
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    Thanks guys. I'd also like to start using a shave soap and brush, but there is nothing local. I don't mind ordering something if it's a one time thing, but I'd hate to get something that I have to constantly order consumables for.

    It's kinda hard to use a lot of technique with this razor because it just feels flimsy. I wanted a Dovo shavette, but this is basically the same thing for $5. I thought if it didn't work out, $5 is not a big hit and I'll continue using the Nivea Balm even if I go back to Plastic razors. I felt more proud of the shave though. It wasn't quite BBS, but you feel more masculine shaving with a blade without a guard.

    Thanks for the advice. I did realize I was pressing a little hard afterwards. The RS cream didn't have much lubricity. I had to finish with Gillete. I think someone said the Nivea was good stuff?

  7. #5
    Senior Member prosneek's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Read everything you can in the Wiki and never be afraid to ask question. I believe that there are no stupid questions, only stupid mistakes from not asking when not knowing. I have been using a brush and soap for 10 years but not a straight. When i got onto this site to learn straight razor shaving, i also learned the proper way to use a brush and soap.

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    razorsharpZ71 (06-25-2010)

  9. #6
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    good to have you here... there are lots of good options out there for you to explore... Send me a PM sometime and I'll see if I have an extra brush and some soap to shoot your way (I think I have some). I'm on a family vacation now, but when I get back I can look into it for you.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Del1r1um For This Useful Post:

    razorsharpZ71 (06-25-2010)

  11. #7
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    Thanks again for the advice. I could've avoided a lot of the nicks with a proper lather I believe. I really appreciate the offer Del1r1um. However, I don't think my dad would like me giving my address out to a "stranger" on the internet. I mean that respectfully of course. It's gestures like that that give me hope for humanity though.

    I did find a boar hair brush and soap set, but I was hoping for Badger hair. It seems like Boar hair would be very coarse? Would it be passable for a beginner? I'll just have to see if my dad will order a badger one for me online I spose. He doesn't know that I've taken up straight razor shaving yet. He's a BIC guy himself and he never taught me to shave. Had to YOUTUBE it!! haha So, I don't know how he'll react. I'm gonna wait untill I can show him that I can shave with no nicks first and see where it goes. I did talk to my mom about it and she told me about a story about when she had a customer (she was a barber) that came in and requested straight razor shaves. She said she was scared to death that she was gonna cut his face open. haha

  12. #8
    Library Marksmanship Unit Library Guy's Avatar
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    Howdy RazorsharpZ71,

    With acne and shaving it’s best to remember that less is more. Apply the least amount of pressure with the blade when shaving.

    Use the least amount of chemicals (soaps, balms, creams, scents, &c) that you can get away with. Rinse thoroughly when finished.

    Also, unlike in my day, there are now many effective prescription medications for acne. Acne should not be considered part of growing up especially if you have the scarring cystic variety. It can be treated. Just something to consider.

    Semper circa,
    LG Roy

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    razorsharpZ71 (06-25-2010)

  14. #9
    Stayin Claussy jakeinkalispell's Avatar
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    Welcome, like others have said, you will find this forum to be a wealth of knowledge and help

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to jakeinkalispell For This Useful Post:

    razorsharpZ71 (06-25-2010)

  16. #10
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by razorsharpZ71 View Post
    I've been shaving for a while with the yellow BICs and Mach 3's. I wanted something cooler to shave with! haha I saw a few straight razor and safety razor vids on Youtube and thought I'd give one a go. All I could find was a cheap ($5) "Diane" replaceable blade straight razor at a Beauty supply store. Then I went home with my $25 investment of razors, creams, and balms to shave!

    I used some RS Shave cream. (didn't like) The shave went pretty well, but I did get a lot of nicks. I'm 17 and have a little bit of acne to traverse. The styptic stick was worth the 2 bucks! I also liked the Nivea Sensitive Skin Balm that you guys reccomended. I didn't have to touch up with the Mock 3 either lol. I think I might like a DE safety razor a little more and I can get blades locally. The Beauty Store guy didn't even know what a straight razor was called. They only had shavette-style razors, yet they had a strop on the wall?! Thanks for the great wealth of information here guys. Hopefully I can get my hands on a "real" straight or safety razor soon.
    A lot of older people have discovered enjoyment from retro-shaving and wish they had started when they were your age. I started at 54.

    Congratulations and good luck!

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to CaliforniaCajun For This Useful Post:

    razorsharpZ71 (06-25-2010)

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