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06-29-2010, 09:33 AM #1
Looking forward to each shave already....
Hi guys, I`ve done my first half decent shave with a straight yesterday.
I started off looking at lots of shave videos which I`m still doing. Then I shaved just a little bit of face a few times to get a feel for the correct grip and contours of my face etc.. Then, yesterday I did my first full face shave! Yay!
Not the best shave in the world but I don`t suppose I`ll get that for a little while from what I`ve read about it. I`d say the quality of the shave was about that of my old "normal" razor, which, along with the fact my nose is still where it should be is a result. Hopefully I`ll improve as I go. Just a few questions though... In one of the videos I`ve watched, the shaver does sideways passes. I always thought shaving sideways was a bad thing? That it could result in ingrowing hair or something along those lines? It would certainly be a lot easier to get the moustache area sideways, I`m struggling to get the razor straight in from my nose downwards. So that`s one question. The other is about a hone. I don`t have one yet and I`m going to need one at some point. Can anyone recommend a hone that would be suitable for maintaining my razor? I`d quite like something with different grade grit on each side, I think that would be of most use. I`m still quite slow on the strop but that`ll soon change. It`s feeling like the razor wants a few strokes on the rough side of the strop as well as the smooth side after each shave, does that sound about right? It`s fairly easy to tell if it`s sharp enough isn`t it. I haven`t managed to get the hanging hair thing happening first time yet, I have to play the blade like a violin before the hair catches and cuts lol It definatly wasn`t sharp enough on my first go but now I`m setting aside half an hour at the end of the day to take my razor into my workshop and practice my stropping, I get the feeling faster is better but don`t rush things.... Oh one more question actually, would it be a good idea to use the pastes I`ve heard about on my strop? Which ones? Cheers guys! ;D
06-29-2010, 11:51 AM #2
Congrats!! And welcome to the right way to shave. Sounds like your progress is excellent and that you are taking your time. As you gain proficiency your shaves will continue to improve. Before you know it you will be achieving that mystical BBS...
06-29-2010, 12:17 PM #3
I look forward to each of my shaves as well..!
In terms of a hone, get a barber hone from eBay. You can pick them up for around $25 and they are very effective. Failing that, if you want a two sided hone, the Norton 4/8 or Naniwa 3/8 are both very good, and will serve you well, but are a little more pricey.
I'd avoid using your pastes on your daily strop. You should leave that unpasted and have a second strop for pastes. You can make one pretty easily and cheaply at home, have a look at this Wiki article to see how to make a balsa strop.
In terms of shaving direction, all I can say is do what works for you. If you find it easier to shave from side to side, get good results, and dont get any irritation or ingrowns, then keep doing it..! I cant shave ATG, so I do a mix of WTG and XTG passes to get BBS and it works very well for me. Other guys can shave ATG with no problem, so they do, but I get horrible razor burn if I do it, hence why I avoid it. In a nutshell, if it works for you, keep doing it!
Dont put too much store in the HHT and other tests, they are really for use when honing a razor to gauge the progression of the edge. The only real test for a shave ready razor is to shave with it. If it shaves good, it is good.
I always use the example of my Boker Edelweisse, which I got from SRD and was honed by Lynn. It passed the HHT for me about 60% of the time, all the time for my dad and never for a mate of mine who has quite fine hair. But I can assure you that the shave was awesome!
Good luck and keep us posted!Last edited by Stubear; 06-29-2010 at 12:22 PM.
06-29-2010, 12:29 PM #4
its all about hair reduction. I have the greatest sucess when I shave with the direction of the hair(wtg), then across(xtg), and finally against(atg). For your upper lip look for videos on a stroke called "coup de maitre." It involves placing the blade flat against the bottom of the nose and then "twisting" or "scooping"the razor to start the stroke. This along with an across the grain should be enough for the upper lip.
About the HHT. Most of my blades fail this test, but they all shave great.
About stropping....this is a very important skill to learn as a straight shaver. Almost as important as the shave itself. Practice practice practice. Improper technique will dull a blade.Last edited by jpm7676; 06-29-2010 at 12:38 PM.
06-29-2010, 01:08 PM #5
Welcome to SRP!
Many of us use three passes: with the grain (WTG), across the grain (XTG) and against the grain (ATG). The direction on your face will depend on which direction your stubble grows (mine grows in all different directions). Some folks only do two WTG passes, others one WTG and one XTG. You'll need to experiment to find what works for you.
As for my mustache, I use three passes. First a Coupe de Maitre (Master Stoke) WTG, followed by an XTG pass (from both sides toward the center) and finished with an ATG (sometimes affectionately referred to as a "Fool's Pass"). LX_Emergency posted a video demonstrating proper technique for a Coupe de Maitre here. And xman posted a video demonstrating an ATG pass on the upper lip here. The ATG on the upper lip is easy once you develop a bit of confidence. Just trust your right brain and give it a try when you feel you are ready. Note: xman does an ATG on the sides of his face at a 30º angle. That works for him because his beard is so sparse there. It's recommended that an ATG stroke be done at a 2º angle, almost flat against the face.
Morty -_-Last edited by Morty; 06-30-2010 at 10:29 AM.
06-29-2010, 01:51 PM #6
Congratulations. Keep it up. The shaves will only become better and better with time and continued practice.
Wishing you continued smooth shaving."Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain
06-29-2010, 02:32 PM #7
Looking Forward . . .
Hello, Feebo:
I savor every shave, everything about it, the whole ritual, and can't wait until morning comes to celebrate once more.
06-29-2010, 04:25 PM #8
Thanks for the links! I`ll have a squidge at those after tea
I`m enjoying maintaining the razor as much as the shave actually, much as I enjoy looking after my engravers, the two aren`t too far apart at all. I think I`ll have a bit of a play with different passes then, that sounds like it might improve things
As I say though, I`m chuffed already, if I can do a full shave with no problems the rest will come in time
Oh and I bought an Alum block..... It said "soothing" on the box. What did I do? I patted it all over my face and spent the next half an hour to hour feeling like I`d used a cheese grator on my face!! lol Not very soothing. I`ll save that for cuts as it`s obviously ONLY meant for! lol I`ll get onto Ebay and buy the barbers block, thanks for that, I`m sure that`ll do for me at first. I meant to ask what oil you guys use actually, I`ve been using Linseed oil from my workshop until I can pick up something more suitable, it does leave a little residue though...
06-29-2010, 09:13 PM #9
Unfortunatly there`s only one Barbers hone on Ebay and it`s on for auction, I`d rather buy it now" if I can. I`m just having a look at a few similar things now so I thought I`d post them here and ask you guys what you think. Here they are.....
Hmmm..... That`s about all I can find that seems even slightly suitable. I tell you what though, I`ve just had a thought. I`ve got an Arkansas stone here and a few large oil stones too, would they not be suitable?Last edited by Feebo; 06-29-2010 at 09:40 PM.
06-29-2010, 11:11 PM #10
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- Feb 2010
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Thanked: 66Funny thing..I went on vacation with the fam..brought my norelvo secured shave when I travel..tge next day I felt my face yelling and begging to shave it with my!