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  1. #1
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    Default Using a japanese razor.

    I know there is lots to read up on, and I have. But, If the hollow ground side of the blade is what is to be toward your face, If that is correct, How do you handle shaving the off side of your face? It seems like there will be some awkward positions to get into weather I use one hand or both. Well I'll start easy. I'll probably send it out to be finish honed and stroped before I use it. The guy I bought it from said that they come shave ready from the forge, but you could get them sharper. I just want to limit the variables, so I'm sure its my lack of experiance that is my problem. Thanks for listening.

    Tony g

  2. #2
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    I saw your post called first blood.

    If you got cut that easy from the razor I would assume it's shave ready.

    As for which side to use I think it's the more angled side of the razor that should be on your face.

    I could be wrong since I don't use a Japanese razor myself.

    I know there is a video of a guy shaving with the Japanese razor kicking around here somewhere.

    But as always someone with more experience will be here to correct any of my mistakes and offer more advice.
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  3. #3
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    There are some kamisori users that use both sides of the blade which greatly simplifies the basic handling of the razor. You just switch hands and keep going. I think that the majority of users develop a different stroke pattern to accommodate the eccentricities of using only one side.

    As an example, for a right handed shaver the North to South stroke on the right side of the face a very easy. It is much more difficult on the left side of the face due to the handle end of the kamisori extending towards the back of your head. For me this leads to more of a NW to SE stroke (to continue the compass analogy). The opposite applies when you reverse directions.

    For me this is a large part of the fun of these razors. It's a different experience than using a regular straight and really focuses the mind. I guess eventually it would become routine, but for me it's still fun.

    If you are sending the razor out for honing I would recommend sending it to someone with as much successful experience as possible. I would suggest Lynn since I know he has done a bunch of these and knows exactly what to do. There are a couple other guys that could do a good job for you, but it's not part of the average honers repertoire so don't be afraid to ask questions.

  4. #4
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    I’ll give it a crack, there are vids floating around showing how some guys use them. Everyone has their own style due to the blade profile. If you are right handed like me, I would start on the right side of your face. Hold the razor in your right hand between your thumb and fore fingers with the stamped side up. Just like in the Wiki, with your left hand reach over and pull you skin upward by your right temple. I would start by resting the blade flat against your skin with very little or no angle. With the stamped side out, start your down ward WTG stroke and adjust the angle or pitch of the blade until you are shaving whiskers. You can do your whole right side of your face this way, WTG.

    Now here’s the debate and again everyone has their own style. On the left side of your face I flip the razor over and use the wrong side, yes I said the stamped side to my face to shave WTG. Will it shave? You bet. You’re not going to get BBS WTG anyway. You are just reducing the amount of whiskers at this point and prepping for ATG shave. Some guys are ambidextrous and can hold the blade the correct way, left handed, stamped side out.

    Once WTG shave is completed, I re-prep with lather or what ever else you like and start ATG stamped side out on the left side of my throat working my way up making small buffing motions. If you are not sure how to buff check out the Wiki. Basically the blade never leaves your skin and you keep reworking lather back and forth making chipping motions. You will want to stretch the skin tight for this; I usually wrap a piece of paper towel around my left forefinger to help pull the skin down. Chimesh recommends using some Alum rubbed on his finger to get a better grip. I do 90% of my face ATG with my right hand. The chin and lower lip is WTG and XTG for me. The key is to keep the blade flat against your skin stamped side out. You will notice that the kamisori blade will actually form suction to you face. That’s a good thing. Stubear described it as “wiping the whiskers away”.

    The first few times just go slow and if you feel your fingers aching or tightening up, stop. Finish with your DE or what ever other razor you are comforartble with. The key with any str8 is like JimmyHAD say’s in his footer hold the blade lightly so if there is resistance you do not nick yourself. With a little practice the kamisori blade especially the Iwasaki’s are superb shavers. Your face will feel smooth like rubber or plastic. Remember the Japanese are master wood workers and I liken using one of these razors like a face plane. If done correctly you will have a good 24hr shave. I usually start to feel whiskers at about the 12hr mark. I hope this helps, Have fun and Welcome to the club.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When I started using them to me it was like learning to use a straight all over again. Of course if you use both sides it's much easier.

    I've never seen one come out of the makers hands shave ready though.

    I agree if you send it out send it to someone with experience on these.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    there are some youtube videos of people shaving with japanese straights.. some people use both sides.. but from what i understand.. you are supposed to use the flat side.. the videos i see have guys shaving in all kinds of random directions depending on where on their face they are shaving and where the handle will be out of the way..

    you should definitely go watch some of them.. just search for japanese style razor and several results will show up.

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