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  1. #11
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    Default Preps the only way

    After 4 months of this addiction, I concur with prep being one of the most important parts of the experience. I usually start with shower (never dry the face when getting out), followed by hot cloth, sometimes use oil, lather and commence with ax. The better the prep the better the shave!

  2. #12
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    Thanks for the support guys! Just had another shave today and this time incorporated my grandfathers antique scuttle, and man did the warm lather hit the spot.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I guess someone has to be the wet blanket here so I'll take the bullet on this one.

    Yes pre shave prep is important however too often we see posts from guys starting out who do their pre shave prep to the nines and have a quality razor and just can't understand why they got a crummy shave after all they did it like they were supposed to.

    You can in fact get a very good shave with really crummy pre shave prep as long as the razor is properly sharp and you are too.

    So what I'm trying to say here is we need to keep things in perspective as to what the order of importance is when you discuss the shaving process so the rookie doesn't think all factors are equal or you can overdo one part to compensate for a poor showing in another part. Sometimes you can but not always.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
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    Prep+technique+concentration=happy face!
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  5. #15
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    signing on late to this thread.. but i've got to say i've started doing a combination of the cold water shave prep and the robeson bayrum method.. it ads a huge improvement to my shave.. before i would simply hot shower and then lather very well.. now after my first lather.. i massage it in with my fingers.. then rinse off the lather.. apply bayrum and lather again.. i'm not sure if the bayrum really does anything.. i just enjoy the smell..

    anyway.. the finger rub makes a huge difference.. it really does stimulate my face more than the brush and really work in the lather.. i honestly notice a big difference.. i highly recommend.

  6. #16
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    I believe that I may have to try that with tomorrow mornings shave.

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