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Thread: A Thanks to SRP

  1. #1
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    Default A Thanks to SRP

    I do not know where to put this so I chose the beginners forum as I am a beginner and thought it the best fit. I just wanted to thank the entire SRP community for all of their help getting me started on the journey of using a straight razor. In particular those that I have purchased from either through the vendors corner or their own private sites. Mijbil, sold me both a razor and a brush but more importantly was helpful when I had trouble confirming the delivery of one of the packages. Not at all his fault instead blame lies on my roomate who had put it in the pantry (funny I didn't think to look there). Lynn, honed my first razor, and provided me a benchmark to compare all others. For other newbies out there I strongly recomend sending your first razor to be honed by Lynn. If later you want to try others or do it yourself more power to you but it helps to have a benchmark to judge against and from the little I know Lynn is that. holli4pirating, sold me a great little Rex that allowed me to cross sweden off my list (I want a razor from every major razor producing country, I will leave Pakistan out) gssixgun, sold me "the patriot" my current favorite for both looks and shave quality. Seth (sorry I don't know your user name) sold me matching Japanese hashimotos. Also JoshEarl who sold me the DE that got me started on this journey. So thank you to all of those that helped me build my collection. And to all SRP I have yet to find a group either online or in person that, to a person, is so helpful and friendly.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to thehekler For This Useful Post:

    Lynn (08-13-2010)

  3. #2
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    You're quite welcome. Glad that SRP members could be of assistance to you.

    Take care--and smooth shaving.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  4. #3
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    I have to say that I have never been on any forum online where "thank you" posts like this come through regularly. I agree with everything you posted and I concur. It is a testament to the wonderful online community that is SRP. I too thank all of the experienced and inexperienced members here who have helped (enabled) me.

  5. #4
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Glad we could help..!

    Good luck and enjoy!

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    So that is what the plan is Huh??
    One from each country, well then that George Korn was a great choice for you since he was the Cutler for so many of the American brands...

    This forum is a breath of fresh air isn't is

  7. #6
    Senior Member
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    Yes, that is actually one of the reasons I bought "the patriot" besides it's awesome looks. I have a TI which covers France, a Renolds for England although the TI with it's British silver steel could have covered GB if need be, Sweden with the Rex, a boker for Germany, and two hashimotos from Japan. I'm taking a hiatus from buying razors (unless I find a good one) but I figure I need at least one from Spain, Filmamonic? And maybe one of the old India steel razors, are their any that I'm missing?

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