Hi there Outlaw,

First off, welcome to SRP!! A great group of folks here...can answer perty much any question you can come up with.
Dont do like I did, I bought some sure nuff some cheap sh*t, so dont waste your money......
I finally bought a vintage shave ready crown and sword, a really great shaver!!! Well worth the money, and still gotr it for half the price of a new one, and it has history to it....
the second one I got was another vintage shave ready, a James Barber Sheffield.....another really great shaver...
For now that is all I have in my rotation....but they are great shavers, and I got two that have some history (one dates to the early 1900's and the other back in the 1800's) and both cost less than allot of new one's.
Just my 2 cent's...most of all take it slow and have fun with it....and listen to the experts here, they are great!!!!!
