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  1. #1
    Member PWillis's Avatar
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    Default Shaving everyday

    I sent in my straight razor last week to have it restored, but here is the delima still...

    How do you shave EVERY DAY?

    I feel like my shaving has improved leaps and bounds since I started reading on these forums, but I still cannot shave everyday, its too harsh on my neck.

    I could not use an electric, so over the years I've been using the usual Mach 3's and such, cannot wait to get my straight back to start trying to shave with a straight. Luckily my job does not require me to be clean shaven everyday so I am forutunate there...

    What do I need to do to make it easier on my neck? I have sensitive skin, but do I need to just start making myself shave everyday so my neck toughens up???

  2. #2
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    That will come with time. Two things - your skin will break in, which can take 5 - 6 months, and your technique will improve. The skin you can't do anything about. Make sure your prep is good and use a good post shave balm like Nivea Replenishing balm - it will help quite a bit. But the technique is something you need to work at. Correct blade angles and a light touch develop over time.

    One day it will just all come together. It has for so many of us. Keep at it.


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  4. #3
    Member PWillis's Avatar
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    Something I may clarify is that I have NOT shaved with a straight yet...

    I think part of the problem may be is that I'm a cheap you know what, so I don't change my cartriges often enough. Just get tired of payin $10 for a 4 pack of cartriges that don't last long enough.

  5. #4
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    Default More is less and less is more

    I discovered that I can shave every day with a straight if I keep my touch incredibly light. When I seem to notice the most discomfort is when I obsess over getting a BBS shave every day.

    To me, the great paradox of shaving with a straight is when I lighten up- literally and figuratively - and don't try to get a BBS shave, I'm more likely to get one. And it's without the razor burn.

    Of course, your skin is not my skin, so YMMV.

    I've also noticed that I more consistently get a BBS shave with 2 days' growth instead of 1. To me, this is the ultimate torture. My brain says "shave every other day so I'll get the BBS", but my heart says "no way am I going to miss one day of doing something I love so much". My heart usually wins

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  7. #5
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PWillis View Post
    Something I may clarify is that I have NOT shaved with a straight yet...
    Have you wet shaved in the past, or only used the foam in the can?

  8. #6
    Member PWillis's Avatar
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    What I started out with when first shaving was with an electric

    Then to Mach style cartriges with gel

    Now since joining this site, my mom gave me her dads shave mug with soap still in it, brush and straight razor. Like I said I just got it sent off last week sometime.

    I have been showering, using either Williams or VDH pucks and the usual Fusion cartriges and my shaves have improved greatly. I used to shave before the shower, and COULD NOT use aftershave at all, it was like off of HOME ALONE for me. So now I can use aftershaves with minimal burn. I'll say this, I am using up a bottle of Brute that is I bet 15 years old... Finally used up a bottle of Stetson my wife's grandparents bought me 5 years ago, so...

    I would like to also try the DE like with a Merker, kinda long explanation but there ya go

  9. #7
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    The reason I asked is that I used electrics for years because I though I couldn't use a safety razor without getting razor burn. When I tried wet shaving I discovered that I could use a safety razor - so the problem wasn't the blade, it was the lubricant (or lack thereof).

    Obviously there is a great degree of variation in every guys' skin type and tolerance to daily shaving. There are many variable to getting a great shave, but don't overlook prep.

    Taking a shower first and leaving your beard damp is really important. Good quality lather makes a huge difference also. I use Uberlather - a guy with username Jockeys has a video on how to make it. I can't locate it, but try the search and see if you can find it. I have to go to a meeting so I can look later if you can't find it.


  10. #8
    Bloodletter shiznix's Avatar
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    Well, if there is any point in listening to a fellow noob's advice, keep reading...

    I'm in my mid twenties now and I've been shaving with a straight for about a month now. Never in my life have I shaved every day before I started straight shaving. I've been shaving for about 8 years now and the most my skin could take was shaving every other day.

    I've been shaving every day for the last 8-10 days. The razor burn is almost gone, and my skin is all OK after about an hour. I used to have a lot of irritation, pimples and itching areas on the skin.

    That's all gone now. How did I achieve this?

    There are several factors that contributed to this.

    • Make sure your razor is clean. Wipe it with alcohol before and after shaving.
    • Make sure your razor is sharp. Strop it before use.
    • Shower before shaving.
    • Put the wet, hot towel on your face before shaving.
    • Always use a fresh towel. Throw it in the laundry after use.
    • Don't try to get too close of a shave. At least for the first months.
    • Take your time.
    • Don't shave against the grain. WTG and XTG is enough.
    • Enjoy the shave. Really, I totally love doing it. Makes me feel bad ass.

    Now, mind that these factors are what is good for me. Your mileage may vary.
    I also never shower in the morning. I feel that exposing your freshly shaven skin to the dangers and hassles of everyday life for the entire day right after scraping off your dead skin cells etc. isn't doing it much good. To me, it feels as if there were nothing to protect my skin from all those mean microbes, dirt particles and stuff that fly around in the air after shaving in the morning.

    As I said, that's what works for me. And it works very well. It might totally not work for you. I am a noob at this and I actually don't know jack about it (except that I love it).

  11. #9
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    I also CANNOT shave everyday..too much raw feeling on my face and neck...don't worry about unless your drill instructor tell you to..

    2-3 days is the average time to wait to shave again..BTW: I have very coarse hair n sensitive skin also..3 days is a nice timeline to wait IMO


  12. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The best advice I can give is to just shave being mindful of strokes, angle and pressure and forget about shave quality. With time it will come. If you start obsessing about BBS from the start you'll just keep doing added strokes and you face won't let you forget it.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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