I've been using a feather for about two weeks. It *definitely* feels different than my regular shave, and I'm hoping to get a regular straight soon (once I get a strop and supplies from Tony) to see how different the str8 is from the feather. I have noticed that when I shave with the feather, I usually go about a day and a half before I start feeling any sort of growth again as opposed to my normal "have to shave every morning or I look like a street bum" routine.

I've been alternating, I'll shave every other day... first in the morning when I get up, then a day and a half later in the evening before I go to bed, then vice versa. The feather is scary sharp and seems to shave far closer than anything I've ever used. I'm only doing two passes though. Haven't been brave enough to try that third pass.

-- Gary F.