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  1. #11
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    I am by no means an expert on honing, but for me, I do not get the desired results with paste alone when I want to touch up a razor. If I just go to the paste on a razor that I feel tugging, I do not really notice much different the next shave. However, if I go to the Naniwa 12k, followed by the paste, I am back where I want to be.

    This is what has been working for me so I will stick with it. I feel that the paste is necessary, but for me, it is only used after the hone rather than a substitute for it.

  2. #12
    High Plains Drifter
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Martinez View Post
    Sharpness and shaving comfort are almost mutually exclusive, and that is the ultimate balancing act
    Really? I've been under the impression that sharper was always better and if you could get a sharper edge you'd have a more comfortable shave. Instead I want to get my blade sharp, but not too sharp?

    This seems like its going to make the honing game much more difficult than I anticipated.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    Question On a Budget....

    Are there any good stones that are 12k and up that are good for a budget? I don't have much money to play with which is why I decided to start straight shaving, that and the razor burn and bumps.

  4. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Hones are the classic way to do your razor of course classic isn't always the best. I find it's a matter of knowing whats best for different razors and differing conditions so with a variety of hones and pasted strops you can maintain just about anything out there.

    Lynn's right, with all the stuff out there these days it's just a dizzying array which makes it that more difficult to pick out what's best. For many years all I had too was the Norton 4K/8K and it's still a good bread and butter hone.

    Of course that's why we all come here every day so as to pick each others brains. Between all of us we're bound to figure it out.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #15
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    TSasser, I paid 35 bucks shipped for my chinese 12k from woodcraft. It took some time/elbow grease to lap it but it is a great stone. Can't beat it for the price and it puts a wonderful edge on my dovo.

    I go from the 12k to 100-150 laps on newsprint, and it melts through hair. Anybody else find newspaper to be a sufficient substitute for pastes?

  6. #16
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaritimeFanatic View Post
    TSasser, I paid 35 bucks shipped for my chinese 12k from woodcraft. It took some time/elbow grease to lap it but it is a great stone. Can't beat it for the price and it puts a wonderful edge on my dovo.

    I go from the 12k to 100-150 laps on newsprint, and it melts through hair. Anybody else find newspaper to be a sufficient substitute for pastes?
    I have never tried newspaper, but have read much about it and it seems to be a decent alternative.

    If I may ask, how do you use the newspaper? Do you wrap it around a piece of balsa wood or do you use some other method?

  7. #17
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    Fbones 24,

    I honestly just fold over a section of the paper on the edge of my table. I keep it taught with a couple of fingers and strop on that. The extra layers make it so the paper if firm and tight but still has just a little bit of give.

    It really makes a big difference. I humbly admit that I haven't actually tried pastes/sprays, but giving my razor 100-150 laps on the newspaper off my c12k yields good results. I am new to this, so YMMV, but it makes a noticeable difference for me. You can't beat the price either!

  8. #18
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    As a honing newbie, pastes are (currently) an important part of my arsenal.

    As yet, I cannot get a blade as smooth as I would like without using them

    Have fun !

    Best regards


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