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  1. #1
    Senior Member Dllandry's Avatar
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    Have you watched the videos on shaving with a straight in the wiki section. 99.999% of the time it is the person new to shaving with a straight not the equipment. If the razor came from SRD I would bet it is shave ready. Watch the videos and follow the advice of only shaving your side burn area until you have mastered that do not move on.

  2. #2
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I can almost guarantee you that it is your technique, no matter how right you think you're getting it. It takes time and practice. Start slow. Do one cheek only for a little while and move on to two when it starts to feel and look right on the first. Move on from there. My first cutthroat shave was just bloody awful, and I didn't have anyone to show me, guide me, nothing. This forum wasn't invented at that time and I didn't have a computer or any of the associated helpful things like YouTube etc. I just battled on knowing that it was supposed to be possible, getting by on sheer bloody pig-headed-ness. So if I can work my way from that to having great shaves with a cutthroat without assistance, there is no reason why you, with all the youtube videos, this forum, and the great advice from the more experienced members here, should ever fail. Read this thread titled, that's my personal story.

    Last edited by MickR; 09-21-2010 at 02:31 AM. Reason: correction to thread title.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    First - congrats on your first shave.

    An SRD shave ready razor is exactly that- shave ready. The reason you can count on that is because Lynn test shaves EVERY razor he hones. If it was not shave ready, it would not be in your hands.

    Ok so a number of things. It sounds like you did your prep well. And CF cream is about as close to perfection as you are going to get.

    So here is what I would say. It is probably in your technique, which takes months to develop and in your skin needing to break in to the razor, which also takes months.

    Be patient, read, watch videos and ask questions. Your first experience is quite common - don't think it isn't. I would first tell you to watch the blade angle and probably drop it some. It is typical to start at too steep an angle and you end up pulling and ripping instead of cutting.

    Keep at it, it will come.

  4. #4
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    If you've ordered a blade from SRD, it'll probably be shave ready if they say so. When it comes in, shave with that one and see if there is a difference. If there is not, it's almost certainly your technique as others mentioned.

    PS: He ordered two razors ;] One is from SRD (didn't come yet apparently) and the other one from an unknown source (the one he shaved with).

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to boogyman19946 For This Useful Post:

    Alembic (09-21-2010)

  6. #5
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default First Shave Nightmare

    Hello, Bodach:

    As our fellow SRP gentlemen have pointed out, your technique is probably the culprit. That's understandable. After all, you're just starting out.

    If I may suggest, please put the razor aside for a day or so and spend the time reading up everything you can in the Wiki. Also, watch as many straight razor shaving videos as you can on You Tube.

    Without observing your shaving methods and technique first hand, it is hard for me to be specific. Watch the videos. They will help out.

    That other razor you have ordered, the Bergischer Lowe by Dovo, is a stunning razor. I have it and love it. It's a good shaver, especially honed by Lynn. Yet, with improper technique, even that beautiful razor will be a dud. I don't know where you bought your first razor, though, so I cannot comment on it.

    Oh, also study the proper method of stropping your razor before each shave. This is important.

    So a good round of studying will help you out. Beyond that, post any questions you have. Whatever you do, don't give up. When you hone your skills, you will be rewarded.


  7. #6
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boogyman19946 View Post
    If you've ordered a blade from SRD, it'll probably be shave ready if they say so. When it comes in, shave with that one and see if there is a difference. If there is not, it's almost certainly your technique as others mentioned.

    PS: He ordered two razors ;] One is from SRD (didn't come yet apparently) and the other one from an unknown source (the one he shaved with).
    Right you are - misread that.

  8. #7
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    The are few things more annoying than recounting an issue to someone who responds by talking about themselves, but here goes:

    I have been using a straight razor for about 2.5 months. I have only been using one proficiently for three weeks, and only been receiving 100% really good shaves the last three. (Upper lip......argh)

    Don't give up, the first shave is downright unpleasant. I honestly was expecting to get my kit in the mail and shave like a pro from the get-go. This did not happen. It takes a lot of time, effort and razor burn to get where you want to be.

    There is a good reason there are so many people on this forum - this is a skill that requires a craftsman's touch and a unique approach. It sucks - it does! But it is really worth it. There is a "magic" touch to straight shaving, and it seems like the only way to truly learn it is trial and error. Just my take and YMMV, but it does get better.

    Don't give up! and Happy Shaving!

    P.S. A good AS Balm will help immensely!

  9. #8
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Please read THIS recent thread. While it won't help you with your technique, and it doesn't answer the question of whether or not your razor actually is adequately honed, it WILL give you a sense of what you are dealing with.

    The fact that you bought another razor after this trouble indicates your willingness to keep trying. Odds are that you will have the same problem with the SRD razor initially, but it should get better. Not everyone sticks with it long enough to get the hang of it but I suspect you will.

    Regarding the professional honing of the razor that you already have, you should contact the seller. Most of them deal with this all the time, unfortunately, and most of them seem to have the patience to offer to re-hone the razor even if they are confident that the razor already is shave ready.

    Keep trying!

  10. #9
    Senior Member speckey's Avatar
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    Hi Bodach

    As someone with only a few total shaves under his belt I feel your frustration. It takes proper technique and patience. It may sound weird or funny but I took my laptop in the bathroom on my first few shaves to copy the technique from the videos.

    The best advice as stated from other members is to read or reread the wiki and Lynn's sticky on the first shave and watch the videos.

    Good luck and take your time

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to speckey For This Useful Post:

    Bodach (09-21-2010)

  12. #10
    Member bamboozle's Avatar
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    Default Poor Technique

    It is most likely your technique as it is with all of us when we get started. Check out the link below to a thread started by a guy who felt the same way as you about his first shave.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to bamboozle For This Useful Post:

    Bodach (09-21-2010)

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