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  1. #11
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    spike or no spike doens't really matter to me... as long as the razor is sharp I'll get there.

  2. #12
    Senior Member SharkHat's Avatar
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    I find the spike does in fact help me get the mustache area pretty easily. The only time it concerns me is near my left ear when I'm using my left hand.

  3. #13
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    I started using my "off" hand (left) in just some comfortable areas: sideburn, cheek. Then I "branched out" gradually, until now I use my left hand for the entire left side.

    The reason I like using both hands is, it reduces the number of cross-hand maneuvers I have to make when stretching the skin. I don't like to be waving the blade back and forth across my other wrist all the time. By using both hands, I can keep the skin-stretching arm up and over my head or forehead most of the time.

    That said, I've changed my routine two or three times in eight weeks, and probably will again. I'd like to pay a genetic engineer to grow me a third arm so that I could finally get under the chin properly.


  4. #14
    Member CaptMdnght's Avatar
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    Well, i must say you guys are either more dextrous or braver than i with your off hand. I have been shaving off and on with a straight for the last 2 years or so. I have yet to be able to convince myself to use my left hand. I do contort a bit and a couple areas i shave blind but still manage to get a good shave. Maybe i will practice on a balloon first with my left before trying it on my face.

    Jmy. Ellis

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