Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
First, do you have a strop? Tell us exactly what you're doing from pre- to post-shave as far as steps, preparation, if you're just going with-the-grain or doing anything else, etc.

Let us know whereabouts you're located geographically and you might even be able to attend a get together and meet some people to help out. Obviously there is a learning curve with all of this so don't get discouraged.
Ok. I have the 'poor man's strop' from whipped dog. It hangs in front of my sink on the door. Prior to my shave I either shower or put a hot towel on my face. If I use the towel, I wet it with hot water and hold it there for a minute, sometimes 2.

I then strop the razor 30 to 50 times. I run it so the spine faces forward (blade back), rotate on the spine and repeat. I keep the angle between 30 and 15. It passes the shave the arm hair test, easily.

I then put more water and moisten up my sideburns, put the cream on them.

I then shave slowly. I have my shaving arm at a 30 degree angle. I use my other arm to pull my face up. I move down my face in 1/4 inches at a time. I am slow and try to be firm and light. I then proceed to the cheek area. Then I do the jaw line. All with the grain.

In between each area, I wet the area, clean my blade on the towel, and proceed. I have learned that I have more control with the center and back of the blade, but I am not seeing the ultimate results (though I see this as progress as I get more hair this way).

I then do the neck. This is the area I actually do well in. At this point, I have the 'goatee' area.

I do the upper lip. I can't get the angle. I can't get my face to flatten well. I can get some of it done, but I miss so much. Under the lip I do a little better. Between that patch and the chin I do ok as well.

With the chin, I resort to going across the grain to get more removed.

The entire time I try to keep the angle at 30 degrees (I think that's the recommended angle). I take my time. I clean up when 'done'. I stop when I know I will really burn and hurt my face.

I put the razor down when done and hang my head in defeat.