Quote Originally Posted by TheGiver View Post
The question I have is: how do you express the joys of wetshaving (especially with a SR) to your coworkers? Any way I come up with it sounds like bragging/boasting. Oh well, I guess I'm not meant to be an evangelical shaver
You don't. Here is how this conversation goes.

You: I just started using a straight razor to shave with and it's cool.

1. Why the hell would you want to do that?
2. Watch you don't cut your throat!
3. Watch you don't cut your head off!
4. You must have something against technology, why not just ride a horse?
5. If I can't do the whole thing in 5 minutes - it's not worth it too me.
6. What kind of a testosterone laden tool would shave with a straight razor?

And my personal favorite...
7. I saw Sweeney Todd - what kind of a sociopath would shave with a straight razor?

You actually have to find somebody that wandered over to the watering hole, cuz you surely are not going to convert somebody that did not already have this in them - YMMV.