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  1. #1
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    Default Some questions from a newbie

    Hello everyone, i just finished my second shave ever and i have some questions.
    I am having some trouble with visibility, especially when doing my cheeks, i am switching hands, but sometimes i feel like i would have better visibility if i reached across my face instead of shaving the same side with same hand. I know it must be something i am doing wrong or the way i am standing, but it is really hard for me to see where the razor is in relation to my face, and to see the angle.
    I have watched the videos in the video forum, but since they are all taken at an angle i cant really tell how people are standing, or what they are seeing in the mirror... maybe this is just all the visibility we get...

    also i was wondering how badly i could damage the edge by improper stropping? i am using a shave ready lakeside cutlery 5/8 that i bought from a honemister, and the first shave went really well, only got a nick or two, but today after my first stropping i did a lot more damage to my face. Based on what i have read it is more likely than anything that its just my technique, and i know im putting to much pressure on the blade, but if i did dull the blade with my stropping, is there anything i can do to bring it back short of sending it back out to get resharpened? i don't want to attempt to hone it just yet

    Thank You!!! this place has been immensely helpful!

  2. #2
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred8785 View Post
    Hello everyone, i just finished my second shave ever and i have some questions.
    I am having some trouble with visibility, especially when doing my cheeks, i am switching hands, but sometimes i feel like i would have better visibility if i reached across my face instead of shaving the same side with same hand. I know it must be something i am doing wrong or the way i am standing, but it is really hard for me to see where the razor is in relation to my face, and to see the angle.

    It's going to be hard to talk you through. Experiment until you find a way that works.. we all do things a bit differently here anyway. Some guys use two hands, some only one, but they can all accomplish a shave they like.

    also i was wondering how badly i could damage the edge by improper stropping? i am using a shave ready lakeside cutlery 5/8 that i bought from a honemister, and the first shave went really well, only got a nick or two, but today after my first stropping i did a lot more damage to my face.

    It probably is a technique thing... you are still trying to get the feel and you can't even see for pete's sake

    Based on what i have read it is more likely than anything that its just my technique, and i know im putting to much pressure on the blade, but if i did dull the blade with my stropping, is there anything i can do to bring it back short of sending it back out to get resharpened? i don't want to attempt to hone it just yet

    start with careful stropping and see how it goes. If you get to where you are convinced that it's dull and not getting any better, then consider sending it for a refresh.

    Hope it helps, all the best!

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  4. #3
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    Well, I shave my whole face using one hand. I know human animals are primary sight oriented, but I do a lot by feel. I don't need to see everything. I do stand in front of a mirror, but there are blind guys that shave themselfs and do well at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by fred8785 View Post
    Hello everyone, i just finished my second shave ever and i have some questions.
    I am having some trouble with visibility, especially when doing my cheeks, i am switching hands, but sometimes i feel like i would have better visibility if i reached across my face instead of shaving the same side with same hand. I know it must be something i am doing wrong or the way i am standing, but it is really hard for me to see where the razor is in relation to my face, and to see the angle.
    I have watched the videos in the video forum, but since they are all taken at an angle i cant really tell how people are standing, or what they are seeing in the mirror... maybe this is just all the visibility we get...
    I don't think you could make the razor unusable unless you crack or chip it, but it might need re-honing if you do really bad. Just go slowly at first, and take your time. The proper technique will come with practice.

    Quote Originally Posted by fred8785 View Post
    also i was wondering how badly i could damage the edge by improper stropping? i am using a shave ready lakeside cutlery 5/8 that i bought from a honemister, and the first shave went really well, only got a nick or two, but today after my first stropping i did a lot more damage to my face. Based on what i have read it is more likely than anything that its just my technique, and i know im putting to much pressure on the blade, but if i did dull the blade with my stropping, is there anything i can do to bring it back short of sending it back out to get resharpened? i don't want to attempt to hone it just yet

    Thank You!!! this place has been immensely helpful!

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  6. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Just a thought, do you wear glasses? I have to sit my right lens on my nose to shave the left side on the down stroke! Otherwise, I cannot see what I am doing! No problems on the right side,tho! I guess everyones eyes are different, like beards!

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  8. #5
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    Thank you for your suggestions!!!
    i shaved again today and everything went much better, i eased of the pressure and it was definitely way smoother. I am still only going with the grain, and across the grain on my cheeks is going well.
    I am however, like most newbs i guess, having the razor get stuck especially on my neck. i won't force it, and ill stop and maybe try again at different angles, but can't seem to get the razor going, is there a remedy for this, or is it just one of those things that will just happen with practice?
    also on my neck i seem to have indentations that the razor can't get to... am i not stretching the skin enough maybe? does anyone else have this problem, especially like 2 inches under the jawline....

    Thank you for your help!

  9. #6
    Junior Member jtravis's Avatar
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    I'm also a newb so take that in to account if you try to follow my advise. I have the same problem of not being able to see when I shave some areas, mostly my weak side sideburn. I have found I can stretch the skin then place the razor flat on my skin where I want to start the stroke. I then get my angle and shave blind knowing that I am not shaving off hair I want to keep. Hope that helps.

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  11. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred8785 View Post
    I am however, like most newbs i guess, having the razor get stuck especially on my neck. i won't force it, and ill stop and maybe try again at different angles, but can't seem to get the razor going, is there a remedy for this, or is it just one of those things that will just happen with practice?
    also on my neck i seem to have indentations that the razor can't get to... am i not stretching the skin enough maybe? does anyone else have this problem, especially like 2 inches under the jawline....

    Thank you for your help!

    You need to be confident in your stroke or the razor will not want to cut, and confidence will come with time and practice. One thing that helps is to not try and cut with the whole edge, use just the heel or toe of the razor to get started shaving an area. The indentations on the neck throw all of us for a loop, as well as for most of us the whiskers grow at different angles on the neck which also takes time to figure out. Try stretching in different directions, and again only use a small part of the edge, i prefer the heel since the razor I am using now is a square point. Be prepared for the neck to give troubles for some time yet, it took me about two weeks of shaves longer to get good results on my neck than it did to get my face down.

    Also check out Jimmyhad's sig line and follow the advice on how to hold the razor. Using that advice I have never gotten anything more than small nicks, and even those are very rare, usually only happening when I get in a hurry.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jasongreat For This Useful Post:

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  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasongreat View Post
    You need to be confident in your stroke or the razor will not want to cut...
    I think this is my bigest problem right now.

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    fred8785 (10-04-2010)

  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoki View Post
    I think this is my bigest problem right now.
    As it was for all of us.

    I think the most important thing beginners keep in mind is that you are not alone, we all had these same problems when getting started, yet most of us find it was well worth the challenge, in fact the challenge was my favorite part, there is no other joy better than overcoming a challenge, AFAIAC, the bigger it is the happier I am after I conquer it, oh and the shaves arent bad either. Just stick with it, search the forums for the wealth of knowledge they contain, focus on the small improvements, not the problems( no matter how big they seem at the time), and in no time you will be wondering why you waited so long to give it a try.

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  17. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoki View Post
    I think this is my bigest problem right now.
    Just overcame using ATG on my neck that I had the same problem. It kept sticking and wouldn't start....confidence was huge and so is angle ....but here's another one....make sure your lather isn't too thick. Sounds counter intuitive but I tried a little thinner lather (maybe watery is a better word) and the razor didn't have as much tendancy to stick at the low angles.

    But be warned I'm new too so if you slice off something important I'll deny everything. Actually, I guess the cop out on this forum is YMMV or something.

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to volleykinginnc For This Useful Post:

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