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Thread: First Straigh Razor Shave
10-04-2010, 07:04 PM #11
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Thanked: 150Great job!! You need to remember that just once you think you have this straight razor shaving down, and you let your guard down a little, that is when the razor up and bites you in the backside. continue to respect the edge of that blade, no matter how much you think you have got this shaving thing mastered.
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certifiedbodyman (10-07-2010)
10-05-2010, 02:08 AM #12
and from one Eagle Scout to another (1982) we should know about respecting a cutting blade...thanks for the got bit today...
10-05-2010, 03:30 AM #13
Second Shave
Good Morning All;
Since my beard grows fast I usually have to shave every day. The growth may be sparse in places but it grows rather quickly. So with that having been said, I'll usually shave daily...especially now that it's fun
The second st8 razor shave went much as the first, which is to say, still learning the strokes and working at maintaining respect for the blade. Today I was rewarded with a clean, neat, small (1/8") little cut on the pointed area of the cheekbone under the eye...left side...non-dominant hand. Got a bit distracted when some jacka$$ walked up to the sink next to me looking at me using the straight razor.His exact comment was "f*** that, better you than me", to which I could only grin even after nicking myself. The wonderful thing is, with such a clean cut, it sealed right back up with a tiny bit of pressure and little to no blood to speak of and no need for the syptic pencil. Can't even tell it's there now. Maintaining the spine angle while shaving became easier too. I went with and across the grain and honestly, the same trouble spots I had with the Merkur (the sides/hollows between the windpipe and neck muscles) look to be the same future trouble areas with the straight. The sides of the jaw are smooth when rubbing with the grain but not quite as smooth against the grain. Like I said in the first post, right now, my focus is learning the processes involved. Be it maintaining the angle, finding the stroke, learning to keep the skin tight, proper stropping, etc the process and the learning must occur before the results appear. Again...alot like golf. Focus on the process, get good coaching (this forum) and work on perfect practice.
Again, to me, doing the str8 razor shave sets my day off on a more positve and relaxed feel with a touch of already having accomplished something. Already took on the word and acheived a small victory Thanks y'all. Have a great shave and a great day. Rich.
10-06-2010, 06:07 PM #14
Yeah, having other people around can be dangerous. It simply takes away from your attention. It does for me anyway, maybe not so much other.
Whenever I've shaved while someone was sitting there watching, I get a bit self conscious and no longer have 100% attention on the shave. I found this especially true when I was shaving as a demonstration. Sometimes swmbo will watch me shave, and its a little distracting, but not too bad, but when I shaved in front of my Dad because he wanted to watch, I ended up with a very sub par shave.
The Following User Says Thank You to markevens For This Useful Post:
certifiedbodyman (10-07-2010)
10-07-2010, 11:36 AM #15
Fourth Shave
I'll try to be quick and to the point with my post today as it's been real busy...shaves getting incrementally better. Stropping seems to be getting better too. The whole experience is getting better bit by bit. Funny of my co-workers came in while I was shaving and took notice of me with the str8. It should be noted that in his day, I'd bet he was likely a rough and tumble hard a$$...retired Army 1stSgt when that was a tough job...been retired 20-25 years ex trucker after he retired...probably a hard dude back when. Anyway...he's walking past me and does a double take and a loud "woah man" while I was shaving. Then he said "I've always been too scared to even TRY (his emphasis) that" was all I could do from not cutting He has a deep, radio broadcaster voice that can really get attention the end, I maintained control of the str8 (literally and and kept shaving as he and my boss watched.
I'm really digging the str8 razor shave since it's a real throwback for me to do what my grand daddy did until he got too old to control the blade. I remember him showing me his mismatched set (he was real proud of them) but by then, he was too unsteady to use them and had gone to a DE safety razor..."don't like it as much as my blades but I hate the plastic crap" was what he'd say even back in the early 80's. His daddy showed him how to shave before the accident that put him out of work (long story) and put my granddaddy in the orphanage. He spoke fondly of his dad and the memories of watching him shave with HIS straight razor before going to work in the rail yard. So, this really kind of ties me to my granddaddy to some degree. much for the quickie...not that I've ever been too quick anyway. Thanks for the encouragement, the support and letting me bend your ear. Rich.
Last edited by certifiedbodyman; 10-07-2010 at 12:05 PM.
Laugh at What You Can...Live with the Rest...
10-07-2010, 11:54 AM #16
I love your first experience stories.
Tell us a little more about your job. Military?
10-09-2010, 07:42 AM #17
Better and Better
Hi y'all. Good morning. The shave this morning went exceedingly well. The only minor "bump in the road" was that the lather dried out on my left cheek when I was doing my XTG shave but it was a bit "runny" at the same time...go figure. Not quite the "whipped cream/beaten egg white" consistency that I strive to attain. Nothing that a quick dab won't take care of though huh. Do I dare say that I came very close to a BBS on my cheeks and jaw? I wear a goatee so the chin and lip are a moot point right now. Can't get complacent for sure though...gotta maintain respect for the blade. The same trouble spots are proving themselves with the str8 as with the DE however. The areas between the windpipe and neck muscles are a bit of a trick since 1. the whiskers are in that "hollow" and 2. the whiskers grow in more of a downward orientation from front to back at close to a 45 degree angle. Right now, ATG on this area is beyond my scope of ability but...not for long. This is the most fun I've ever had with shaving and like I've seen, heard and posted, it seems to set the day off on a more relaxed note, with a definite positive feeling of accomplishment. Then again, I'd guess that shaving with an exposed balde that could just as easily lop off your head and coming out unscathed is always a Once again though, I had some bonehead come in and almost cause me to do something stoopid - misspelling intentional to emphasize the point. He comes in and says "it's like de ja vu, we're even at the same sinks again today" then goes "oops" while feigning almost bumping into me, kind of like grab a$$ing except that I have an exposed blade in my hand. What IS it with these clowns? It was all I could do was keep a steady hand and remind him that "this straight razor can cut me or you just as easily"...kind of put a chill in the air. I had a funny feeling right before he did it and it seemed to happen in slow motion too so I was a bit lucky and able to keep steady. THIS is one big aspect of being stateside that I miss the privacy...that and being able to cook my own supper in my own kitchen. The point though is that I'm having a blast learing to use the srt8 and at the same time (when I have stuff like this happens) come out sometimes thinking the lyrics to that old Rolling Stones song..."hey, you, get offa my cloud"...some folks seem to work real hard at being a buzzkill or a killjoy but I cannot and will not be swayed. This is the coolest thing I've started since I began my weightlifting days many, many years That plus the obvious connections I've alluded to in previous posts just adds to the sense and feeling of really doing something unique, something special that not too may preple have the balls to try, much less actually follow through with. We should embrace our uniqueness and this is one way I do sense trying to fit in the "plastic mold" of disposable razor shavers for sure. The DE is a trusted friend that I will continue to keep for "quickie shaves" or on those days when the str8 just aint workin but...certainly, definitely, the plastic is gone. Like I've said, "plastic is for toys for boys, steel is for men and their tools" and the str8 is an ultimate manly tool. aaahhhhhrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... lol. Have a great day and start it with a great str8 shave. Rich.
Laugh at What You Can...Live with the Rest...
10-09-2010, 10:05 PM #18
Nice tale.
Personally, whenever anyone gets close to me when I'm shaving, I just pull the razor away. My bathroom is cramped, and I dont' need any kind of bumping when I have such a sharp tool over my jugular.
That said, at the very least you are learning to concentrate better. Its just too bad you ahve people who dont' seem to get that you need to concentrate, and feel like they need to mess with you.
The Following User Says Thank You to markevens For This Useful Post:
certifiedbodyman (10-10-2010)
10-10-2010, 03:42 AM #19
Better and Better Still
...yeah, it IS a pain to have to deal with folks like that find a positive in a situation, I agree that the "learnig to concentrate" is a positive benefit. The negative in it would be cutting myself or the "offending party" But realistically, I just try to block it out and keep trucking. Today's shave was even better. The results seem to be taking a hyperbolic slope upwards along with the enjoyment factor. My shaving and stropping technique is getting better it seems as is my comfort level with the blade. With the shaving, I'm learing how much pressure that I "can" apply and with the stropping, I'm learing that less is more. The respect FOR the blade will only increase too. The more proficient I get with it, the more I realize the respect that should be extended. The only part that I seem to be having any issue/difficulty with is the area between the trachea and neck I've already covered. Even that is getting a bit easier to manage. I figured out why my lather is drying out...I'm taking a wee bit of a long time I'd rather take longer and get it right than to hurry and get sloppy. Besides, I can always re-lather. Anyway...I don't dare say that I'm getting the BBS so...I'll just say that the results are rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll
...ssssssssssmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooootttttttthhhh hhh. I'm digging this process that at one time was like credit...a necessary evil. Now, shaving is fun...go figure that huh. Thanks y'all. Have a great day and start it off with a great shave. Rich.Laugh at What You Can...Live with the Rest...
10-10-2010, 04:17 AM #20