Hello all my name is Ralph and I am postig from Italy. I have a question for you Sirs (I try to be very concise).

I have been shaving for several years using a shavette straight razor; I don't have any problem and I just love it.

Some months ago I decided to try to use a 7/8 Fontana straight razor which my father bought in the 70'/80'. He didn't use it so much so it is in very good condition. So I bought a norton 4000/8000 stone and some strops (a dovo hanging strop and a streich-riemen doublesided handheld strop).

I also have a microscope to have a look at the blade !

Anyway I spent some time reading all about stoning, sharping (thanks a lot for your posts!!!) and I finally got an honed razor.

My problem is : I use to shave every morning so I need a very honed razor. Using a shavette I put a new half blade every morning in it and shavette blades are very well honed of course. When I use my Fontana straight razor I need to strop it 2/3 times during the shaving process and I never have that feeling I have using my shavette razor. It does not cut as I want!

So here is the question : is it possible to hand hone a straight razor like a shavette blade? I think they use a laser honing machine or something like that to hone shavette blades!

Before I buy a new razor or some other stones could you give me your opinions, please.

Thank you in advance.