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Thread: Joining the group
10-14-2010, 07:18 PM #1
Joining the group
Hello everyone,
I've been lurking the site for a month or so, soaking up all the knowledge I could, and today, I finally feel like a real member of this fine group of gentlemen! I'd toyed with the idea of going straight for a few years, but never quite knew where to start until I found this forum. I went right out and got myself a shavette and some disposable blades and have proceeded to tear my face up for the last month or so with that while researching a real razor here. I know diving in headfirst is usually advised against, but I think the steep learning curve with that little bugger has helped, and I'd even made some significant progress with at least reducing the nicks and burn.
Well all that changed today for sure! Yesterday afternoon, the mail man quenched my week's anticipation, delivering my Dovo 5/8 from SRD- the real thing at last! So I just came downstairs after my first "real" SR shave and the results after one WTG pass and a halting XTG are... not too shabby! Minor to moderate irritation in a few spots, and I did have to touch up a few rough spots with my Mach 562 but, for the first time since I started this journey... not one drop of blood!A real blade is definitely more forgiving, if nothing else.
It may not have been perfect, but it was a damn sight better than I'd expected, and I love the experience, razor burn and all! The feeling of connection with your past, of being patient and careful with a difficult skill, of taking a few minutes a day for self-improvement and self-reflection, feeling a bit more of a real man... incredible! It was outstanding and I credit everyone here for all the knowledge I've gleaned over the last few weeks for making it go as smoothly as it did! I'm excited to continue this journey and master this skill- I'm sure with plenty more help from all of you fine folks along the way!
So thank you all once again, I'm proud to finally become a real member of a group like this one! Now off to master my sloppy stropping in preperation for a slightly better shave tomorrow! Cheers!
10-14-2010, 07:28 PM #2
I think i speek for every one here when i say(welcome to srp the biggest little shavign site on the net)
This group took me in back in april, and im glad i decided to become a member. You will meet some of the nicest people on the internet on here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them, Pm me if there is anything i can do to help get you set up on here.
The Deerhunter.
10-14-2010, 07:34 PM #3
Welcome to SRP! As your technique improves so will the shaves and the irritation will go away. I hope you had the blade pro honed.
It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain
10-14-2010, 07:34 PM #4
Welcome to SRP!
Just remember to keep the pressure very very light! That and keeping the angel correct will help you to overcome the razor burn & irritation. If you have any questions there will be plenty of help given for sure. This community is full of wonderful Gentlemen and Ladies.
Good Luck.
Enjoy the journey.
10-14-2010, 10:47 PM #5
Thanks for the warm welcome all. Like I said, I've been massacring my face with a shavette for maybe 4 weeks now, so compared to that experience, I'm thrilled with the small amount of irritation I experienced. I'm sure that with the excitement and anticipation, I neglected the few finer points of angle and pressure that I've already picked up (I have mixed feelings about that shavette still, but I can say for sure, it's a great way to learn a light touch). I know good technique takes months to learn, so like I said, I'm just pleased as can be that the burn was fairly minimal and for the first time- not one drop of blood!
I'm committed to this skill and know I'll get it with time. The razor was from SRD, which as I understand from here should've been good to go, however I'm sure my stropping is pretty atrocious still as well, so I may have dinked it up a bit there- although hopefully I didn't do any damage some better stropping can't correct.
Now this may be a question for a new thread, but is there any regional-based sub-forum? I couldn't find one, but I'd love to find someone more experienced in my area (I'm in CT) and get together. I'd gladly bring a bottle of someone's beverage-of-choice in exchange for a few tips on my techniques (especially stropping, which I'm still a bit unconfident with). Who knows, maybe get a little informal regional club together, with once a month get togethers for breakast and idea sharing? I think that'd be great.
Once again, thanks so much for the warm welcome. I've been lurking so long that I feel like I already know some of the regular posters- this site really is a community!
10-14-2010, 11:53 PM #6
Welcome! You will be getting great shaves before you know it.
10-15-2010, 12:27 AM #7
Again Welcome.
The saves get better and better.
10-15-2010, 12:42 AM #8
Welcome to SRP. I found myself laughing to myself this moring while shaving. I thought back to all the things I went through since I started shaving with straights in May. I didn't think it could ever be my daily shaving routine.It all came together. I have to thank the members here and the video's posted for my progress.