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  1. #1
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    Default Stropping question...

    Hey guys. I've already posted here a couple times and you all have been immensly helpful... SR shaving is progressing nicely! - after i found the proper angle and that i didn't need to put a lot of pressure on the blade .

    anyway, the question i have is this: do all parts of the edge of my SR need to be able to pass the HHT before EVERY shave? I've noticed that after i strop it on the .25 micron pasted strop, and then progress to the plain leather, that it will pass the HHT nicely (even though I know this isn't the "end all be all" test for shaving), but after I shave with it and strop 40-50 strokes on the plain leather again, all parts of the blade won't pass the HHT. does this matter? How do I know that it is "shave ready" each time before a shave? It sure shaved nicely last night when i used it after using the pasted/non pasted strop. I know that I am only supposed to use the pasted strop when i need to lightly hone the edge and bring it back, so i don't think that i should have to use the pasted strop each time. all help will be appreciated... thanks!

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When I need to do a touch-up on a razor I do some armhair shaving and from that I can tell if it's likely to shave well. That and the amount of draw on a cowhide strop is what I use. If I were you I would forget about the HHT and just shave. That will tell you all you need to know. After a while with more experience you will be able to estimate what most razors need as far as strokes go (for light honing and touchups) and probably be pretty close and then just dial it in with a few more strokes on whatever media you use.

    All parts of the razor should be equally sharp or you won't get a good shave.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Too much is made of the HHT, etc... There's only one meaninful test, the shave. How often are using the pasted strop? I use mine every 5 weeks, or so, when the blade tugs rather than cutting cleanly. If you are using it everytime you shave, then you are using it too much. Proper stropping prior to each shave should get you by for awhile. Only when regular stropping isn't enough should you use the pasted strop...

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  5. #4
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    i just don't understand why, after i finish shaving and post-shave stropping, only part of the blade is sharp enough for the HHT? is it my stropping technique do you think? I am using a thiers issard paddle strop (the "extra wide one"). it is my understanding that stropping on a plain leather strop has 2 purposes: 1. to remove any moisture from the edge 2. to re-align the edge. my razor should not dull that much i think from just one use...

  6. #5
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    THe hht is only going to make you frustrated, it only works for some people's hair and most of the people I know don't bother with it.

    Shave test is the best test, imo.

    Strope very slow and your edges should be fine.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Wink conundrums atop riddles

    I shave every day with a straight razor and have never used the hanging hair test per se. There, I said it, and by that admission have emerged from the depths of my closet. Many will think lesser of me, I know, but that's ok; I'm free now. Does that make me homogenous? I don't know, but I do admit to using lather and leather FWTW.

    I do know that as my hair falls out some strands will often pause briefly to hang from my eyebrows. Does that count?

  8. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If I ever find the guy who started this HHT thing he's gonna be in big trouble.

    I don't know why some of these bogus things become so readily accepted as gospel by so many people. It's just like breadknifing, that's another one.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #8
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    So is there any across the board test I can do? How do the hone masters know when the SR's they sharpen are done? Do they actually have to shave with other peoples blade?

  10. #9
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by razoredgeknives View Post
    It sure shaved nicely last night when i used it after using the pasted/non pasted strop.
    That's all you need to know . Stop worrying , you're doing fine .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    I have never done a HHT, am i missing something?????????????? I would rather shave and test it that way.

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