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Thread: Razor Width

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default +1 on the Gunner's post

    If I had a friend who was curious about str8s, I would have them come over, bring their canned shave snot, show them what stropping is - what's important, what's not. Show how to lather - let them see it done, feel what it's supposed to feel like (if I can ever figure it out), let him feel the difference in the quality of the lather. Then I'd hand them a 1/4 hollow - because of it being much more user friendly. Instruction would be simply to hold at approx 30deg angle, and slowly go from sideburn to jaw muscle with no pressure beyond the weight of the blade. The point being for them to feel for themself that the deadly cutthroat can be a useful, precise tool that gives exquisite result for someone willing to learn. 'Doesn't mean he wouldn't need to fully learn the same technique that a sloppy flexible ultra hollow shaver uses - just that he can get a sense of the enjoyment and quality of shave without as many skills being demanded up front. I think all of the same questions would follow at some point, but they would at least have the sensory experience of it not being some gory, death-defying feat - and that the shave lasted way longer than whatever they've been used to. That experience would be sufficient incentive to withstand all the inevitable tantrums that follow while they learn technique.

    Someday I hope to learn technique

  2. #12
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janivar123 View Post
    Yayy i found one
    at vintage blades if your wondering
    Does the Dovo Best come in 2 grinds? SRD lists it as full hollow where many other sites list it as half. So I tend to avoid that particular item. I wish Dovo's website was easier to navigate.

    Thank you,

  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Call or E-mail Don or Lynn at SRD they know their product line...

    if they don't have it I bet they can get it..

  4. #14
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Call or E-mail Don or Lynn at SRD they know their product line...

    if they don't have it I bet they can get it..

    Good idea! Dovo's catalog is crazy it does seem that they have Full and Half Hollow's in 4/8, 5/8, and 6/8s.

    I'll keep my eye out.

    Thank you,
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    Last edited by Shoki; 10-25-2010 at 12:32 AM. Reason: Sorry for the confusion!

  5. #15
    Senior Member flyman's Avatar
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    It seems like the overwhelming majority of Dovo razors are round point. Is there a reason for that? I really need a square, spike, or at least a barber's notch to get to some tight spots. Furthermore, the round point just doesn't look good to me.

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