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  1. #1
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Default Kamasori vrs western style

    Couple of questions, what is the main differences between the two different styles of razor ?
    would you still use a strop for the japanese style? and final why is it cheaper in the west then it is in japan follow link to Jp shopping site
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    there is a large one for shaving the head and the small one is for the face.

    I really like the looks of the hart razors very simple looking as well as the Jp ones but I am a little confused about the main differences.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    The "main difference"? you mean, apart from the shape, size, and grind?

    Well, the Kamisori are assymetrically ground, meaning one side is more concave than the other. They are traditionally used one-sided, meaning the same side of the blade is kept against the face throughout the whole shave.

    They use different skills, and different mindsets.

    That thing about one being for the face and one for the head is a bit...odd. I've only heard that recently...not sure where it came from.

    And as for the price, I'd like to know that myself...though this article might explain part of it:

  3. #3
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Ya I guess main difference is a bit of a vague way to ask sorry about that.

    different mind set? how much so I mean two very sharp pieces of steel next to the soft skin seems you must be of a cautious mindset

    about the head face thing the missus is japanese and she says thats what the website says.

    In your opinion which would be more forgiving for a new comer to this blood sport
    Last edited by shayne; 10-25-2010 at 02:07 PM.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Western and Japanese Razors are totally different and require very different skills. Japanese Razors are meant to shave using one side only rather than two with a western which can make things very challenging at times. Also maint. is totally different though stropping is the same.

    A western razor is way more forgiving.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    I got my first bad cut in a long time using my Kamisori for the third time. I should be fine once I get my technique down, much of the approach is markedly different.

  6. #6
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    I only use a kamasori, the short blade (2") on a kamasori is easier for me to use than the longer blade a traditional straight, espicially around my mouth and ears. With that said, it can be a challenge trying to use only the flat side of the blade (their are videos on this site where people use both sides). It took me weeks to get used to this, and there are still some areas on my face that I struggle with. The techniques used for a kamasori are not the same techniques that are used for a western straight, at least in my opinion. I have no plans on going back to using a western straight.

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