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Thread: SRP, me & E-Bay

  1. #1
    Junior Member HogoFogo's Avatar
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    Default SRP, me & E-Bay

    For a couple of months I started to look at this outstanding site and reading about everything in it. After that, the feeling to become a straight rasor aficionados grows inside me and here I am trying to give up my electric shaver instead of a CARBON STEEL BLADE.

    Reading about Dovo's, TI's, W&B, and other brilliant rasors I wanted to buy one (in order to start this new passion) from e-bay (because it's cheap) but I didn't have luck at all. I don't know, maybe I am cursed to shave with this electric crap.

    I don't want to start with an Enzo , or a Gold Dollar, as you dear gentelmen spoke here not to. I saw also the thread inside this site related to trade/sell, but now I really don't want to buy an expensive one (your advice also) but I WANT A SOLINGEN!!! PLEASE, anyone have a decent one to sell?

    Thank you very much for reading this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    Your best bet is probably to look in the classifieds here. You can usually find lots of great shave-ready razors for not a lot of money. You might want to stay away from eBay until you have a bit more experience with straight razors and what to look for. I'm not saying you can't find some great razors there too (I have!) but for your first one, do yourself a favor and buy something that's reliably in good shape and is shave-ready.

    Just my 2 cents . . .
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  3. #3
    Junior Member HogoFogo's Avatar
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    Thank you very much for your thought sir.

  4. #4
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HogoFogo View Post
    ...but now I really don't want to buy an expensive one...
    Since you'll need at least a few other supplies (such as a strop), it might be helpful to post your intended budget, so that people can tailor their recommendations. The membership here is very knowledgeable about what can be had where, and for how much.

    Also: SRP wiki - Buying a beginner's set on a budget

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'll just second the thought to stay away from Eboy until you are well versed in straights and know how to tell a good from a bad.

    Check out our classifieds and our vendors too.
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  6. #6
    Junior Member HogoFogo's Avatar
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    I guess I'll wait untill I gather some budget and buy a new one.
    Thanks, anyway...

  7. #7
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Unless you were planning on buying a pitted, rusted razor with cracked scales in need of extreme restoration and honing, you will probably get a better deal from the classifieds or some of the guys in the vendors corner.

    Quote Originally Posted by HogoFogo View Post
    I guess I'll wait untill I gather some budget and buy a new one.
    Thanks, anyway...

  8. #8
    Member danbrew's Avatar
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    Visit our friend Martin here: RasurPur Online Store - The finest tools for a perfect shave

    I recently purchased two razors from and was delighted with the results.

  9. #9
    Si non confectus, non reficiat SpockIOM's Avatar
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    I recently bought a shave ready Hibbard Spencer Bartlett from a vendor on Ebay called demonbarber2010. He seems relatively new to Ebay, but he delivered a great product quickly for a great price (£40 = c.$60 US) and so may be worth a look...
    However I've been caught out on Ebay before so you need to make sure you ask the right questions before you bid, and if you're not sure what to ask I'd stay away for the time being.
    Maybe have a look at They have some reasonably priced vintage razors and will ship internationally. They also have a very good reputation.
    But as has been said above, the classifieds here are a great place to start.

  10. #10
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    Most of the razors I use I got from eBay, (6 out of 8)
    I did, however also buy a set of Norton stones from SRD, and a new Dremel, and lots of sandpaper, and some exotic woods, etc etc. and put about 8 hours of work into each one.
    I think 2 only needed a little cleaning and honing.
    I only regret buying 3, not worth restoring.
    2 I destroyed in the learning process.
    I have spent about $400 (on razors, not tools, probably another $350-$400 there), and got 20 straight razors, 15 of which should be in my routine when I am done. So that should work out to be about $50 apiece.
    So it is possible to get a decent razor from eBay, but you probably are going to have to restore it, or at least have it honed by someone, if you're not going to do it yourself.
    I would say if you aren't planning on restoring them yourself, you just want to buy and shave, go with the classifieds here on SRP. These guys won't steer you wrong.
    Last edited by souschefdude; 11-03-2010 at 06:41 AM.

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