Quote Originally Posted by dickyince View Post
Thanks for your response ghostrider :-)
You got it in one, I want my first razor to shave with.

It sounds like you are talking about buying a vintage razor. I would have thought it would be better to start with a brand new razor?

I have contacted the seller of the razor I mentioned above and they told me that it was shaving ready. If a new razor is advertised as shaving ready would it need any hone work before it was used to shave with?

Thanks for the pointer to the wiki I will defiantly check it out.
Kind of funny. When I now click on your link, it takes me to a different listing than before. Before it took me to a razor I described above, and now it takes me to a razor made by W.R. Case and Sons. I'm not even sure it takes me to the same seller.

In the listing that your link initially took me to, the seller stated something along the lines of, "... hasn't been cleaned up..." IIRC. I do know that it showed rust on a good part of the blade.

Do you really expect to shave with something that looks like that and is described in that way?

Could you please post another link of the auction?

The razor that your link initially (and even now) took me to was a vintage razor.

And as far as buying vintage v. new, well ... honestly, I think you should do much more research before deciding on something to buy. The razor you linked is/was a vintage razor, so that is what I was addressing. All your questions are addressed in the wiki, so I highly recommend you start there.

It is recommended that you buy a razor from one of the reputable sellers on this sites classifieds section, and that you get one that is shave ready. The reasoning is that you will get another razor, and keep the first one as a guide to what the second razor should be like before shaving (how do you know what "shave ready" is without ever seeing, feeling, or experiencing it?)

Hope this helps.