Hi All!

First off thank you all for the great info I have used to purchase my husband his first straight razor! I got him a dovo special tortoise 5/8 and strop set from SRD (woohoo for free for life honing! thought i also found a local professional to show him how) but now I am wondering what type of brush would be best for him. I would like to go a little classier than the tweezerman and am looking to spend under $50. I am familiar with bristle and badger brushes in an artists capacity ( ie. I know the difference between the stiffness of the two) but have no idea what would be right for his shave!

he has a very coarse beard and rather tough, rarely blemishing skin if that helps at all...would boar be a better fit for him?

I have also gotten him some trufitt & Hill trafalgar cream for his shave. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- R