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  1. #1
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    Default starter razor vs. dream razor & starter strop?

    I am looking to get my first razor. I have read somewhere (in the FAQ, I think) that a used vintage razor that is honed and shave-ready is a better starter than a new factory razor.

    I would like to get a nice razor, but after I have one I am happy with, the chances I will start collecting are small, I think. I am trying to decide if my first razor should be something cheaper I would replace after I learned to use it or if I should just go ahead and get something I think I would like permanently.

    Right now I am considering

    this 6/8 Oxford:
    6/8 Oxford - Straight Razor Place Classifieds


    this NOS with abalone:
    Vintage Blades LLC::Vintage Straight Razors::New Old Stock (NOS)::New Old Stock Revisor 5/8" Round Point with Custom Scales - Abalone LVS ***Shave Ready***

    $250 to $300 is definitely the upper limit of my price range right now.

    Also, if I get a nice razor, is it a mistake to get a cheap strop with it, or does that not matter?

  2. #2
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    Look for a razor from one of the sellers in the Classified on this site. Get it honed by the seller. One that costs around 50 - 60 bucks should suit you well. Take your time learning how to use it. Get a used strop and practice slowly with it. In time you will see other razors that you will want, but by that time you will be an informed purchaser. Have fun with this and be warned, this can become addictive.

  3. #3
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikk View Post
    ...I have read somewhere (in the FAQ, I think) that a used vintage razor that is honed and shave-ready is a better starter than a new factory razor...
    I suspect whatever you read was more nuanced than simply "better." A new Dovo or Hart or Thiers-Issard straight razor is very nice. And, as good as vintage razors. They cost more, but look nicer than most vintage razors.

    If price is important, vintage is better than new.
    If nice is important, new might be better.

    It just all depends. But, don't dismiss new straight razors (unless they are Pakistan trash razors.)

  4. #4
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    If I was in your shoes, knowing what I know now, I would go with a shave ready razor from the classifieds. This will give you a chance to learn without too much of an initial investment.

    Trust me, once you get started, you will need/want more than one razor anyway so you can always add a shiny new one once you are comfortable with your new addiction.

  5. #5
    Junior Member pospressure's Avatar
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    What I would do and did for that matter is Get an affordable one first for one main reason. I might not like SR shaving and dropping a large initial amount of money on something that just sits there a month later doesn't make much sense. That said it seems like a suggested minimum amount of razors to own or have in rotation is two. If one goes dull and needs to be honed then you still have the other one to shave with while the first one is out for service. Many people also suggest that having a backup professionally honed razor will help you judge how shave ready the other is, mostly if you are learning how to hone yourself but it would be easier to judge when you need to send one out if you go that route.

    I would get the more affordable one first then after a while get a nice one if you desire. Don't forget that you can also get your affordable one refurbished or custom built up. If you get a good brand name the only thing that makes an affordable razor different from the one you linked is that the blade needs a little cleaning up and the scales are likely to be old and in bad shape.

    As for the strop get a cheap one first you will cut it several times right in the beginning and you can use it later for a travel strop as they cheap ones are usually smaller.
    Last edited by pospressure; 12-08-2010 at 09:42 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    Get the affordable first
    After all if you end up prefering another size the expensive one may se little use

    strop you can get pretty cheap if you wish
    But I can name three makes that are garbage(not just crap but garbage)
    Selective, Beauty & Barber, zeepk. stay away

  7. #7
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    Get a simple one to start out. Not everyone sticks with straight shaving, and you would kick yourself in the butt for spending 300 bucks on something you end up not liking.

  8. #8
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I didn't think I would end up collecting anymore than one razor, now I have five and a DE. Just get yourself an affordable quality razor either new (and shave ready) or something (shave ready) from the classifieds here and you won't go wrong.
    Good luck and take your time, be patient. You'll get there.


  9. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I'm sorry but for a new shaver this deal right now is pretty hard to beat...

    If I was starting out I would be all over that...

  10. #10
    Senior Member speckey's Avatar
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    IMHO, if you go vintage get it from the classifieds here. I would also maybe spend a bit on it because your first will always have a special place in your heart. Get one that you really want.

    If you go new SRD's razor/strop of the month is a great deal.
    given that you have a 250-300 budget that is more than enough to get up and running, you may be able to get a new and a used.

    Oh yeah Welcome and good luck

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