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Thread: First shave

  1. #1
    Member Quatsch's Avatar
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    Smile First shave

    Well, I had my first shave last night with a Landers Frary & Clark razor that I picked up from Lynn. For lather I used the Proraso from Target.

    Let me just say that I have a newfound admiration for everyone that shaves with a straight razor.

    The sides of my face went pretty smoothly and I was able to get my neck done alright. The chin was a little tougher and it wasn't as close as I'd like. On the second pass, left side with my left hand, I went in at a little too steep of an angle and have a nice little line to show for it :P At that point I stopped and walked around with a strip of toilet paper hanging off my face for the next 15 minutes or so, lol. Also, I think I applied a little more pressure than necessary...on the next one I'll try and lighten it up a little bit.

    Next time I'll be a little more patient with myself and go more slowly. I need to learn how to stretch the skin a little better, too...I think that's how I wound up cutting myself.

    Anyway...I realize now the endeavor I'm getting myself into. I bet the first shave without a knick or a cut must feel like breaking 80 for the first time in golf:P


  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Take it a little at a time Kyle until you start to feel comfy with the razor. Sounds like you made a pretty good start. Lynn

  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Congratulations Kyle

    Another one into the fold. *hubs hands together sinisterly*

    Quote Originally Posted by Quatsch
    ... I think I applied a little more pressure than necessary...on the next one I'll try and lighten it up a little bit.

    Next time I'll be a little more patient with myself and go more slowly. I need to learn how to stretch the skin a little better, too...I think that's how I wound up cutting myself. ...
    Those are three very important lessons:
    1. No pressure. Disposables shave so badly it's easy to get into that bad habbit.
    2. Patience ... oh and more patience. These are great allies.
    3. Stretch like you've never stretched before. There's no such thing as too much, but you sure can do too little.
    And it only took you one shave to truly realise them.

    Other things that will help reduce nick and razes are;
    4. Extensive beard prep. Here's where the 'more patience' part also comes in handy.
    5. Sharp blade. Of Course. Like you needed me to tell you.
    6. Experience. Each time out of te gate will get easier especially at the beginning when there's no end to the learning.

    Here's to quick healing.


  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Just remember that you don't have to achieve a perfect shave overnight. You've been living without them this long, so why hurry. Relax and enjoy the experience.


  5. #5
    Member Quatsch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtaylor61

    Just remember that you don't have to achieve a perfect shave overnight. You've been living without them this long, so why hurry. Relax and enjoy the experience.

    RT's kinda like trying to throw the ball before you catch it:P

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just keep at it and each shave will get a little better and the cuts and irritation will disappear also. X has given you the ideal advice.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #7
    Senior Member gglockner's Avatar
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    Don't feel bad like you are cheating or something if you need to use a DE or whatever you used before to finish those tough spots. If you are getting good at the first pass, the second will get easier with practice.


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