Congrats on the first shave!

As for the strop, I do about 5-10 passes on my canvas strop after cleaning and drying the razor post shave. The thinking here is that it just helps remove any remaining moisture or material that might be on the blade's edge and that makes sense to me.

Beyond that, additional post-shave stropping won't likely provide too much benefit (although I'm sure some would disagree). By that I mean if you did 25 post shave and 25 pre shave I really don't think it's any better than just doing 50 pre shave passes on the strop.

High carbon steel oxidizes very quickly--even if it's not 'rusted' there are still microscopic things going on with the blades edge as it's exposed to oxygen. Consequently I like to focus stropping time and effort on the pre-shave so the blade is freshest.

At the moment I'm using the same razor every day and so I just do the 5-10 post shave passes. If I was going to put a razor away for a while then I probably would strop it a bit more post-shave although honestly I think that's more for the psychological feel of 'putting it away sharp' than any scientifically tested sharpness protocol (although again I'm sure some would disagree).