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Thread: Day 3

  1. #1
    Member Haakon's Avatar
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    Default Day 3

    Day 3, third shave but this time there were some time constraints. I, unlike most people at my workplace, had to go to work today so my morning shave couldn't be the leisurely experience that it has been for the last couple of days; however, I am glad to say that it was blood free and a decent shave. Still working out the kinks on the underside of my chin, but it's getting there.

    On a sad note, my goatee took a minor hit. I'm still getting used to a cutting surface larger than an inch... It's not too bad but it will take some time to grow back; like I said before, I'm Native American and hair growth is a slow, slow process. It takes almost a week or so before I can get a recognizable goatee! I would shave it off completely but my wife complains about me looking like a 12 yr old when I do (I'm almost 40).

    As for learning, I read a lot today about honing, paste, and stropping. I have to admit that I am bit concerned about the honing aspects and the cost. I have sharpened knives all my life and I'm not too worried about the technique for sharpening a razor, but another purchase adds to the initial cost to try this out. I know I'll end up doing it and enjoying it, just like sharpening my kitchen knives but I'm cheap and often get "paralysis by analysis" - meaning I will spend months researching what the best purchase will be. Any thoughts? I know I should have at least a couple of months before I have to worry about it, my beard is far from tough, but I like to get a head start.



  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I know folks will chime in with their honing favorites but for many of us who have been at it a long time before all these new fangled hones existed we used the Norton 4k/8k combo hone. It's a good basic all purpose stone with which you can do restoration and get your edge to a very presentable state of sharpness.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

    Haakon (12-29-2010)

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