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Thread: Brand-new(bie)

  1. #1
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    Default Brand-new(bie)

    As an intro, I am 60, so been shaving a few years. Mostly with the latest multi blade face scraper, or electric hair eater. To my credit i recently went to soap and brush method. But all these years i have had my dad's or maybe grandad, not sure, straight razor. So here i am surfing the net on sharpening and end up here. Must confess, my interest is peaked. My razor is stamped LEE Mfg.Co. and handle has a stork holding a fish on one side. The case it comes in is metal with NAVALHA ELECTRICA 3000 (qualidade garantida ) on inside cover. So..... howdy all. Any info on the blade is appreciated.

  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    Congrats on deciding to try out your heirloom razor. Be sure to do some reading in the wiki (particularly the beginner's guide) and don't be afraid to ask any questions you have.

    As to the razor, I'm not familiar with it, though I am almost certain the box doesn't go with the razor. It is quite common to see razors packaged up in whatever box happens to be available. Pictures are always helpful in identifying old blades.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  3. #3
    Senior Member LAsoxfan's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard! Better late, than never. Before using your SR, you really should have it professionally honed so you know it's shave ready. Look in the Classifieds. There are several SRP members who are honemeisters in their own right and can work their magic on your razor. The other item you will need is a strop. A good linen/leather one can be had for about $35. A SR has a very fine edge that will get distorted during daily use. The strop gets rid of the distortion and straightens the edge.

    Welcome to your new obsession!

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