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  1. #1
    Senior Member joshb1000's Avatar
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    Default Holding the razor

    I know this sounds silly, but the common practice of holding the razor. I've looked in the wikis, and other places i havent really found any pictures of the suggested way to hold the razor. the only place ive found it was the 1905 book circulating the forums. Is holding the razor, just a matter of feel and personal preference? Or is the book pretty spot on? it mentions thumb behind the blade, three fingers on the tang, and the pinky at the end. It looks awkward and feels that way. But something about it seems right. Has anyone tried this technique? An suggestions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I have my thumb under the tang, my forefinger and middle finger on top of the tang in front of the scales, and my ring finger on the monkey tail. That is with the blade at a 90 degree angle, or so, to the scales. I also hold the blade with the scales running parallel to the blade like it was a Kamasori on some passes. Probably other ways that I can't think of right now without doing it.

    In order to learn shaving with the non dominant hand I took the advice of forum member Danny Wonderful and began practicing maneuvering the blade on my face while watching TV or sitting at the computer. This can be done with a dull blade or one of the disposable straights with the blade removed. I found that within a day or two shaving left handed was no longer awkward. Point being that if I wanted to take up a new way of holding the razor I'd practice that way until it became coordinated.
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  4. #3
    Poor Fit
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    It is personal preferance and comfort. Check this out...
    Different ways to hold a straight razor - Straight Razor Place Wiki

  5. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Catrentshaving For This Useful Post:

    Alembic (12-31-2010), JimmyHAD (12-30-2010), joshb1000 (12-30-2010), markevens (12-30-2010), welshwizard (12-30-2010)

  6. #4
    Senior Member joshb1000's Avatar
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    finally, some pictures That really helps alot. And i also appreciate the idea about practicing with the non-dominant hand with a dull. The funny thing is, i'm a lefty, but my dominant shaving hand is my right. Really appreciate the help fellas.

  7. #5
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    I'd encourage you to experiment with all the differernt grips. Some people just naturally do better with a non standard grip then with the standard. As long as you are getting the best shave you can get, who cares how you hold it?

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    LAsoxfan (12-31-2010)

  9. #6
    Senior Member joshb1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markevens View Post
    I'd encourage you to experiment with all the differernt grips. Some people just naturally do better with a non standard grip then with the standard. As long as you are getting the best shave you can get, who cares how you hold it?
    You hats funny, tha last line is probably some of the best advice I've ever seen. Its so simple and it just makes sense.

  10. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The way they show in the old manuals was supposedly the way you would have the best control of the razor. As far as it being uncomfortable there are many things that are uncomfortable at first but once you do it for a while it seems very natural.

    Personally, I'm a fan of the classic hold and I think everyone should master it. After that you go your own way.
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  11. #8
    Senior Member joshb1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    The way they show in the old manuals was supposedly the way you would have the best control of the razor. As far as it being uncomfortable there are many things that are uncomfortable at first but once you do it for a while it seems very natural.

    Personally, I'm a fan of the classic hold and I think everyone should master it. After that you go your own way.
    The classic hold just looks right, and I think I may take up your advice and work on mastering that then adapt it as need be.

  12. #9
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    Your question made me think for a minute and I had to go and hold my razor to see for myself.

    This is the grip I use. Please note, for me to turn my hand toward the camera (Taking the pic myself), it gives the appearance of a tight grip. You should always hold the razor just firm enough to have control because it helps you to feel the razor. If your grip is too tight and you snag on a pimple or other bump on your face, it's almost assured to turn into a nick or cut.
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  13. #10
    Senior Member joshb1000's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tip, and beautiful razor. I'm working my way up to the really nice one's such as that. Lucky enough to purchase a 5/8 J.R. Torrey from one of the other members recently. Cant wait til it gets here around Thursday of next week.

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