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  1. #1
    Member vinnyt's Avatar
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    Default is it ok to alternate?

    As people always say variety is the spice of life. Does this adage hold true when applied to world of shaving?

    My question: is there anything wrong with say using a DE razor from time to time?

    I ask because it is my understanding there is a period of time the face needs to adjust to a straight razor. Are the changes that occur to ones face the same that would occur if you used a DE. Should I Just expand my straight razor collection and get my need for variety satisfied that way?


  2. #2
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    Hi Vinny,

    It is 100% ok to switch it up if you want to. When beginning to learn a straight razor it is encouraged that the individual uses only a straight for continuity purposes. (Logic: If you can go back and touch up with something else, you will never really learn to use the straight properly from the get-go) But if you want to have some variety, by all means do so, my good sir! Changing it up is what makes this so much fun. I pretty much only use a straight, but every razor has different personality traits and quirks. That's how RAD and SRAD kicks in!

    may we all reach shaving Nirvana!

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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well of course you can alternate. I used a DE before I used a straight and I still use a DE when I'm either in a hurry or don't want to have to concentrate on what I'm doing like you should when wielding a straight.

    You'll find many here use a DE on a regular basis.
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  6. #4
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    Nothing wrong with switching it up at all! That's part of the fun of it all. i still use my DE or my Rolls once in awhile..either because it's quicker or just to change it up. Have fun with it.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Catrentshaving For This Useful Post:

    vinnyt (01-05-2011)

  8. #5
    Senior Member ShoreBird's Avatar
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    Don't tell anyone but sometimes I'll use my Sensor as well as a DE razor.

  9. #6
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinnyt View Post
    My question: is there anything wrong with say using a DE razor from time to time?
    I hope not, I certainly do.
    The only changes to my face are caused by the passage of time, not by my choice of razor. If I'm careful it'll stay that way.
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  10. #7
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    Off with their heads! Mods please ban all who have posted thus far.

    To the OP...I will need to confiscate all of your shaving equipment for suggesting such sacrilege.

    pssst...I think we all do this every now and again

  11. #8
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    I didn't and don't, but I see no reason not to. I would recommend you to not change straight razors until you feel you have one well under your control.

  12. #9
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    No offense (because I know this is all in good fun), but I'm not sure why you would post here to ask if it's alright to switch razors every now and then? Who are we to tell you anything is against the rules? If it feels right then just do it, man!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShoreBird View Post
    Don't tell anyone but sometimes I'll use my Sensor as well as a DE razor.
    Sorry mate, but I believe you just did

  13. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I brought your case up before the moderators and we have, after careful consideration and long debate, decided it is okay for you to alternate.

    Kidding aside, I used to feel like I had to shave with a straight or I would be somehow betraying the shaving Gods. I have some really nice DEs from back when I collected them and it is nice to break one out every now and again and revisit that option.

    OTOH, I found I really do prefer shaving with a straight so that is what I mostly do but it is purely a matter of personal preference. I would bet after you are at it awhile you'll prefer the straight too. Just a better overall shave IME.
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