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Thread: is this true

  1. #1
    Member vinnyt's Avatar
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    Default is this true

    So I'm 34 now and been shaving roughly since I was 16 I'm only a month and some change into shaving with a straight razor, but it feels like my beard is getting stiffer. Could this be my imagination or is it possible that since I'm taking better care of my face now the hair has become healthier and so it's growing in thicker. Again I could be losing my marbles.

  2. #2
    Bloodletter shiznix's Avatar
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    or your razor might get blunter? just a suspicion.

  3. #3
    Member vinnyt's Avatar
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    well, it wasn't that the razor was having a tougher time, but rather when I skipped a day and had a bit of growth it felt more coarse than I recall.

  4. #4
    Getting there....
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinnyt View Post
    well, it wasn't that the razor was having a tougher time, but rather when I skipped a day and had a bit of growth it felt more coarse than I recall.
    With straight razor shaving the hair is cut in one go. That gives is a very pointy end(like a syringe point). So when it grows back it feels coarser because the point is sharp.

    It could also be age. Facial hair does get coarser with age(source: Aging changes in hair and nails: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia). As far as I know your shaving regime can't change that. General healthiness will(source: The Facial Hair Handbook, page 25: "Passion's First Law of Facial Hair: Healthy Man, Healthy Beard". Pages 35-43 expand on that law with tips for a thicker beard)

    I do however understand your question. I feel the same about my whiskers, but I think it is because I pay more attention to my face than I did before(a lot vs. none)

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  6. #5
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I thought the same, but chocked it up to paying more attention to my face, having smoother skin, and learning what a true smooth shave is all about. I really didn't pay much attention to my facial hair in the Mach 3 days...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just another old barbers tale.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  8. #7
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    are you using a different shaving cream or aftershave?
    perhaps there is a chemical reason

  9. #8
    Member vinnyt's Avatar
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    Well, I suppose I moved away from the canned shave cream and started using various shave cream/soap brands I found recommended on this site. I also started spending time preparing my face for the shave, something I didn't do before. Now post shave I usually use the alum block or witch hazel, and then follow that up with some bay rum. These are all things I never did in my BSR (before straight razor) days.

  10. #9
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    Default its a misconception

    Shaving does not cause terminal hair to grow back thicker or coarser or darker. This belief is due to the fact that hair that has never been cut has a tapered end, whereas, after cutting, there is no taper. Thus, it appears thicker, and feels coarser due to the sharper, unworn edges. The fact that shorter hairs are "harder" (less flexible) than longer hairs also contributes to this effect.[77] Hair can also appear darker after it grows back because hair that has never been cut is often lighter due to sun exposure.

    source from wikipedia about misconceptions,,,,a good read
    Last edited by ri7ani; 01-12-2011 at 03:15 PM.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinnyt View Post
    Well, I suppose I moved away from the canned shave cream and started using various shave cream/soap brands I found recommended on this site. I also started spending time preparing my face for the shave, something I didn't do before. Now post shave I usually use the alum block or witch hazel, and then follow that up with some bay rum. These are all things I never did in my BSR (before straight razor) days.

    turn this in to a science project for analysis
    try changing only one variable at a time adn keep a log book about how you feel after each change

    if you can quantify your feelings into numbers (like a ranking system 0-10) you could use statistical analysis to determine if there is a culprit that can be changed

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