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01-19-2011, 08:24 AM #1
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Thanked: 0need help on my neck cannot get BBS
Today was the third time I would shave with a straight razor. I was pretty successful at doing everything except my neck the other times so this time i decided to start with it. It was a horrible failure. I kept pulling the hairs as i went WTG and after i finished i tried going ATG. I could not get BBS. I always have tiny hairs that will not come of no matter what. I irritated my neck quite a bit and have some serous razor burn now. It seems as if the razor just rubs against the remainders of little hairs ATG instead of actually shaving them. I took out my DE once again and finished of the job. I want what the DE does with the straight edge
. I'm wondering if maybe the blade is not sharp enough. This blade came professionally honed from classic shaving and I have been stropping before every shave. I personally don't think its the blade especially with the success i'm having on all the other sections of my face. Any help will be appreciated.
01-19-2011, 08:51 AM #2
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Thanked: 11601) sounds like you're using too much pressure and 2)ATG on the neck isn't always a good idea. I usually do about three well lathered passes using different angles of my own design.One being a sort of scything motion and can get pretty good,but don't get obsessed with BBS for now.Remember,every face is different ,so what works for one may not for another.Know your own face.And don't get frustrated if you have to finish with the DE.For now that's okay as your on the learning curve.Just take it slow easy and liiiight pressssure.Hope this helps a bit.
01-19-2011, 08:55 AM #3
i agree.. angle was most likely off.. another good point to consider is stretching.. the straight requires much more stretching than a de.. give that a thought as well.
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xalted13 (01-19-2011)
01-19-2011, 08:56 AM #4
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Thanked: 1160+1 on the stretching..forgot that one..ewps !
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xalted13 (01-19-2011)
01-19-2011, 12:49 PM #5
xalted, Welcome to str8 shaving! Now relax. First, I don't how anyone could reasonably expect a BBS shave on the third ever shave. I think BBS is a term I've seen used loosely as well. It seems to mean different things to different people, and that's ok. If the complaint you have is that you still have visible stubble on your neck after a single pass, I assure you everything is quite normal. Your technique can't possibly pass muster for a decent shave after three tries, IMO. Additionally, I totally agree that an ATG pass is too advanced for your stage. Not only is technique in question, but your skin needs time to adjust to being shaved with the str8.
Another technique that might have to be called into question is your stropping. There is no doubt in my mind that you started out with a shave-ready razor. I also know that there is no better way to spoil a perfectly good edge than improper stropping. In as much as you have only been shaving for such a short time, you haven't had time to develop a sense of what a sharp razor feels like. It might behoove you to have that razor checked to see if you need a touch-up.
Getting back to the definition of BBS. My understanding of a BBS shave is that when you have a true BBS shave, you can't feel any sign of stubble with you fingers in any direction on any part of your face. It's as if you never had a beard. That level of expertise takes a lot more time, IMO. Just take your time, light touch, tight skin, and it will come.
I hope you don't take my comments as criticism, just trying to help because I have been there and made all the same mistakes any newbie makes.
Good Luck!
01-19-2011, 01:47 PM #6
Good responses so far
'Grats on taking the plunge and getting through the difficult first shaves. That you even notice the quality of the result at this point should be proof enough that you've done pretty well already.
I won't repeat what others have covered - I think they're telling you right.
The lay of the stubble does not cooperate with our planned approaches to the shave. It doesn't lay consistently north to south anywhere, but especially under the jawline and on the neck. You might notice when you see a beard or a face w/ several days growth - that the direction of the stubble goes all over the map, every which way. This means that what we think is WTG/XTG/ATG likely isn't so. If you take a hand or finger before a shave and feel the stubble, you get the most resistance/abrasion on your finger when going ATG. You can use this to verify that the lay of the stubble is not consistent. At 7 months, I'm still not happy w/ one section under the jawline (a fairly typical problem area) that actually has a cowlick - a place where the lay actually goes in a circle - no consistent direction. That means there is no single direction of stretch and stroke that will shave that section fully.
You'll spend some time getting to know the lay of the beard over the next few months - that's what we have to do. You're starting very well. Give yourself some time to learn, and enjoy the process.
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xalted13 (01-20-2011)
01-19-2011, 01:59 PM #7
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Thanked: 45I initially had issues going ATG grain on my neck as well...What I found is that the angle I was using was too steep. I now use such a small angle that the spine (the non cutty end)juuuuuuust barely lifts off the skin.
I would also add that as your WTG pass improves so will your ATG because the stubble is reduced better. With this in mind you may want to consider adding another WTG pass or a XTG pass before trying ATG. My neck hair grows from the adams apple out towards the ear. So I can't go directly ATG and do it at an angle. I still get BBS there even though it is not directly against the direction...if that makes sense.
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xalted13 (01-20-2011)
01-19-2011, 02:32 PM #8
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Thanked: 23xalted, since I am new as well I will share what has helped me the most on getting my neck shaved, not BBS as I don't like ATG yet. It is very important to be mindful of the angle of the razor since your neck has different angles. In the real tricky areas aka under the chin I try and do the same angle at the same time, so instead of going straight down I go about and inch down and move over. Outside of that skin stretching is the only other thing to watch.
On the ATG I read on this board and it makes sense, until you can shave good WTG ATG will not be good.Last edited by swimlikehell; 01-19-2011 at 02:35 PM.
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xalted13 (01-20-2011)
01-19-2011, 06:06 PM #9
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Thanked: 190Yes, that area is usually the last BBS challenge. Technique, skin stretching is what evolves to yield better results. After a third pass for the touch up area, it may be time to call it quits and rest the skin. I have to finess my technique to get the best results.
Sounds like you are getting outstanding results in three shaves.
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xalted13 (01-20-2011)
01-19-2011, 08:36 PM #10
I'm with flyman. Nobody with 3 shaves under their belt is going to get BBS, unless its by accident.
Getting a good shave with a straight takes good technique, not just a sharp razor. The more you move from wtg to xtg to atg, technique become more and more important not just to get a decent shave, but to not irritate your skin as well.
So, just be patient. Lay off ATG for awhile. Focus on your technique, particularly good prep, skin stretch, pressure, and angles.
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xalted13 (01-20-2011)