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  1. #1
    Member Wortmanb's Avatar
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    Default Stick with one or rotate?

    I'm about to receive my AOS Dovo back from honing, possibly later today (thanks, Lynn!). I've been using a Boker Tree Brand which I purchased in shave-ready condition and have been using since sending out the Dovo.

    I'm still beginning, with just a few (maybe 12) shaves under my belt and am wondering whether to start alternating between the two razors or whether it would be better to set the Dovo aside and continue with the Boker until it is in need of honing and then switch. Both blades are the same size & shape (4/8 round, if memory serves) so it's not really a question of getting confused by the blade. I think my stropping technique is pretty good (I'm doing 25 strokes each way on linen and then on leather) and I'm having no trouble at all taking off whiskers with light pressure and leaving behind good smoothness in WTG passes.

    Let the debate begin.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Valid concern - possibly not with the blades you describe


    I've wondered about the same issue, having acquired/traded a some blades in pursuit of what works best. 3 nicks last wkend made me think of this again. 5 antique store finds of varying condition. 3 in good shape - clean up and hone. In testing, committed carnage on face. Maybe some of that is being rushed, but not much. To find preferences, I'd try all sizes, grinds, steels - so the variation is big. I think this does affect the learning curve for the shaving. The blades you mentioned are close enough that I doubt the differences are big enough to give much trouble. Both same size, grind, steel, point. There may be some differences in the hardness of the steel just due to tempering, but probably one doesn't feel THAT different from the other. I'd go a head and use both.

    When comfortable, I'd try other sizes and grinds.

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    Wortmanb (01-28-2011)

  4. #3
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    My opinion is that you should get a least a month or two under your belt with one. Once you are getting consistent BBS shaves with that then start looking at others. I will say that there is a huuuge difference in razor performance. I have a 6/8 Dovo Bismarck that SRD honed and sent and it doesn't even come close to shaving as smoothly and closely as my $5 antique store W/B wedgish that I honed myself. So if this old rusty honed by a newbies hand fisted efforts can produce a superior shave than a brand new proffesional one then its worth looking at more. Just wait until your technique is solid.

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    Wortmanb (01-28-2011)

  6. #4
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default ummm

    you could do eather, nothing wrong with roating or just using one. I only own one razor, a w&b celebrated hollow ground and thats all i ever use. so its a presional choice.

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    Wortmanb (01-28-2011)

  8. #5
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    Variety is the spice of life. Switch 'em up!

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    Wortmanb (01-28-2011)

  10. #6
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    My normal procedure is to use one razor for 2 or 3 days then switch to a different razor. This let's me retain familiarity with the razors in my rotation and still enjoy some variety.

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    Wortmanb (01-28-2011)

  12. #7
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    Good question. I change every two or three days depending on how the last shave went. The point is to have fun, I didn't realize just how addictive this can be.

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    Wortmanb (01-28-2011)

  14. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wortmanb View Post
    I'm still beginning, with just a few (maybe 12) shaves under my belt
    There isn't really a debate, 12 shaves means you are still building muscle memory, so stick with the same razor for several weeks at a time. That is if you want to become better at this quicker. If you just want to alternate razors and don't care much about this way of shaving you can do it the other way.

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  16. #9
    Member Wortmanb's Avatar
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    I'm in no hurry, and getting good at this is definitely a high priority. Even though I'm still sticking to mostly WTG passes only (and those are starting to feel pretty good, with minimal occurrances of approaching the face only to back off and try a different hand position or starting point) I'm looking forward to the day when I can do three passes without any burn at all.

  17. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Until you are competent at this thing I would stick to as few razors as you can. That way you really get used to a particular razor and it makes getting really competent easier rather than rotating and re acquainting yourself with the vagaries of each razor.

    One you are good to go with this you can rotate or not however you want. Sometimes I rotate day by day and sometimes I'll use the same razor for a week and then rotate. It's all preference.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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