Hi all,

I'm new to shaving with a straight (obviously). It seems like every time I shave, the razor pulls more and more on my hair. In the past this would have meant that my cartridge razor was dull and I would have thrown it away. Now I assume it means that my edge is dull. I got this razor from a member here and it came to me wonderfully sharp. I have shaved with it about 12 times and it seems like I bleed more and get more razor burn every time. I started out stropping it around 30 times until I read that this wasn't enough so now I strop before and after my shaves sometimes as much as 70 times on a poor man's strop. Seems like it just keeps getting worse though. I know that it isn't ready to be honed yet so it must be my stropping or else my shaving technique? Even if I have a good lather worked up the blade goes right over the hair leaving significant stubble which makes me shave the same spot multiple times which gives me razor burn around the chin especially. I try to strop evenly and also try to keep the blade flat. My strop is a little thin so I am forced to make a "x" pattern which is kind of hard... Is it possible that my stropping is only making it more dull? If so, can I bring it back? Help!